25. Pancakes

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[Top one is Dragon, bottom one is Ghost. This is just what they look like now. Anyway, I originally planned to do this in a chapter, but I'll explain it here. Jen (Emma's sister) was put up for adoption by their parents as well, so she doesn't know who they are either. Jen and her husband Colin (hehe) are now living near Emma and Killian. And now I'd like you to enjoy the calm before the storm! They've been happy for too long!]

*Three years later*

He rolled over in bed, expecting to find Emma lying next to him, but he was greeted with a soft white fur. He opened his eyes and saw Ghost sleeping on Emma's spot as Dragon had made himself comfortable on his legs.

He chuckled, Emma had tried to convince him they should teach them they weren't allowed on the bed, but Killian told her it would be fine. So, technically he wasn't allowed to complain about it.

After he had slipped on some pants, not bothering to put on a shirt, being fully aware what kind of effect the lack of shirt would have on Emma.

"Come on, guys." The two Northern Inuits raised their heads from the messy sheets, only hopping off the bed when Killian gestured for them to tag along. "Let's go see what mommy is up to, shall we?"

He opened the bedroom door and the dogs slipped past him, storming down the stairs, clearly unaware of the clamour they made.

By the time, he reached the bottom of the stairs, the two had already found an occupation outside that didn't include Emma or Killian.

He turned his head towards the kitchen, his eyes soon landing upon probably his favorite sight: Emma Swan making pancakes for breakfast, although the latter wasn't necessarily what made him prefer this sight. He licked his lips, absentmindedly, too focused on her stunning figure that overtook his vision.

He approached her quietly, almost tip-toeing, all so he could prevent her from finding out. When she was within his reach he couldn't resist to touch her any longer. He grabbed her waist, pulling her flush against his front and tightening his grip to make sure she stayed there.

"Something smells delicious." He whispered in her ear, attempting to sound as seductively as he took, knowing she couldn't resist him longer than ten minutes as his lips constantly brushed her skin.

"It's just from a box." She said, biting her lip as her lips curled into a smile and she was positive she would lose control soon.

"I'm not talking about the pancakes." That was it. She had no way out now and both were fully aware of it. She analyzed the situation, trying to think of another option than giving into her desires, teasing the other was something they both found amusing once in a while. But it only took her two seconds to concluded she was screwed.

She twirled around, his lips descending on hers roughly. It would be an understatement to define their kiss as passionate, of course it was, but the heat that radiated from it was more visible. He desperately needed her, and if any form of interruption would happen he would have a problem.

Her hands travelled up his chest, helping herself to pull away from him. They did part eventually, although Killian had trouble figuring out why.

She continued to trail her hands up and down his chest as his facial expression grew so soft, his eyes filled with pure love and all because he was simply looking at his true love.

"What?" He sounded so innocent she wasn't sure she could handle it as she swore she could feel her heart melting.

"I'm just.." She shrugged slightly as it occurred to her that what she was about to say might seem lame or weird, but she managed to rid herself of that thought swiftly when she remembered it was Killian she was facing. "Happy. It still surprises me sometimes."

The muscles underneath his eyebrow raised his brow, even though it was just a few inches. "Aye, love, me too."

She failed to come up with a response and she was still aching for him, so she reconnected their lips. It started out rather different than their previous kiss. It was soft and ignorant at first, but you could clearly see the moment where both snapped and lost control about their movements.

Her hands strayed over his upper body, the diamond in her engagement ring sparkling every time it came across the light beam that had landed on his neck.

"To hell with the pancakes." She mumbled into his mouth, but from a decent distance you wouldn't be capable of hearing anything she said because her words were quickly damped by his lips.

He walked backwards until he collided with the table, sitting down on it so she could easily hover over him.

Right after Emma's graduation they had moved to Devon, England. They were living in a cozy house with a large garden attached to it. Emma had her own veterinary practice, which was established in a large barn on their property while Killian worked as a teacher at the local High School. After they had settled in they had also bought two horses, a black and a brown one. Saying they would be extremely happy was clearly an understatement.

"Did we just do it on the table?" She thought aloud as they fixed their clothes, both grinning like idiots. "Yes, we did." She breathed, her eyes fluttering across the room as she tried her best to let everything sink in peacefully.

She stood up, turning towards the stove to prepare some new pancakes for them, but he was faster. He stood in front of her, blocking her way.

"The floor, the shower, the couch and now the table." He whispered in a low voice as she sucked in a breath, bringing her hand to his hair at the nape of his neck before threading her fingers through it. "What's next? The stairs?"

She giggled, her heart speeding up slightly as she debated whether to resist temptation or give into her wishes. "As much as I'd love to, we should eat actual breakfast." : she chose the first option, just to tease him a little, knowing he would've made the same decision if the situation was reversed.

"Whatever your heart desires, Swan." He sighed, releasing her as he went to sit down at their kitchen table, even though he did it reluctantly.

He watched her open another box with his head resting in his palm as the fingers attached to his other hand were tapping to the music on the radio.

His fingers stopped their little dance as a smirk appeared upon his face when a brilliant idea popped into his head.

He got up, trying not to make any noise that could startle her. He approached her by tip-toeing, growing more excited in the valley of his heart with every step he took. When she was within his reach, he encircled his waist with his arms swiftly.

"Killian," Emma began as she felt her feet being lifted from the ground. "What are you doing?" He set her back down after they had entered the living room.

"I'm going to make you surrender." He smirked, tracing his thumb along his bottom lip.

"And how do you plan on doing that?" She asked, placing her hands on her hips as she bobbed her head.

"By tickling you." Her eyes widened as she slowly backed away from him, but they didn't achieve anything by doing that. It was like doing the cha cha, every time she took a step back he took one forward. "I'm going to start my countdown, so I suggest you run." He warned her as she has reached the door that led to their backyard.

"One hundred." He began, making her giggle uncontrollably as she ran anyway.

"Ninety-five." He said as he stepped outside, but what he saw was something he hadn't expected at all.

[Okay so the ending is clearly very rushed, you have my sincere apology. Also, I love using whole CS scenes in my chapters, that way I can write how I felt about it. I'm sorry you wasted your time reading this crap. Idk why I even try. I've been neglecting myself and everyone around me a bit lately and I honestly don't know if I will ever get better and update more regularly. I'm so close to just giving writing up because...you know I'm shizzle. Anyway, that was my mini rant! Bye!]

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