36. Pom-pi-dom-pi-dom

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"Look, Swan," I was compressing the ring between the palm and fingers of my right hand, the fraction of the silver material that was caused by the squeezing giving me precisely enough courage to proceed with my explanation. "I love you so much and you're right; I should've told you. I was stupid not to."

My eyes were staring directly into hers, piercing right through her barriers and straight into her heart. I was seeking for any sign that confirmed she wished for me to stay. I refused to draw my eyes away from her, convinced that I would find something, but out of the corner of my eyes I could see her brows furrowing further with every passing second and I snapped out of my trance.

She truly wanted me to leave.

"And you're clearly upset with me, so I'm going to give you some space. I'll be staying at a hotel so I can clear my mind and hopefully be the man you fell in love with again."

She still wasn't moving, nor responding. I took one last look at her stunning appearance, trying to remember every single detail of her face, but as soon as I had turned around and started to walk away I had already trouble recalling any of it.

My hand gripped my bag tightly as I used it for a temporary solution to the urge to punch someone, which I had developed during our argument. I knew 'fight' was a better way to define the situation we had experienced a few brief moments ago, but it was too painful to address to it as that because we never fought.

I was about to let the tears stream down my face – mistakenly thinking she wasn't within ear-shot – when a quiet, creaky voice echoed through the atmosphere, "Killian, please don't go."

I wasn't sure what to do. I didn't know whether I should turn around and obey her wishes or continue to walk away from her, from our life together. The dilemma was too much to handle for my already semi-defect brain, so I froze.

It felt as though there had occurred short-circuit in my mind and my brain had disrupted all contact among my nerves and muscle, leaving me with only the ability to stand and hear. But the capability to catch frequencies and invert them into impulses was limited.

"I'm sorry I yelled at you. I was just scared that I would lose you just like I lost my mum when she kept things from me and even scared to admit that." I didn't dare to move any of my muscles, not even being positive I could. Instead, I just carefully listened to every single word she pronounced it as my arms were glued to my flanks. "Yes, you should've told me, but I understand why you withheld the truth from me."

It was the one word that triggered me to snap out of my trance. That one word that indicated we were on the same page, that both our heart's desires were equal.

"You do?" I questioned, my voice containing traces of hope in every letter that managed to escape my mouth as I twirled around, nearly tripping over my own feet due to my unrestrained excitement.

"Yeah," She offered me a small smile, not allowing the corners of her lips to ascend an inch more than necessary. "I would've done the exact same thing."

And just like that, within nothing more than two fractions of a second my world began to rise again, just as fast as it had come crashing down.

Diverse tears were already pricking behind my eyes as my legs already felt stiff – as if I had just arisen from my bed after sleeping – before my mind had even caught up with the situation.

She slowly walked up to me, her hand carefully reaching out with caution before she firmly seized my hand and let me towards the large garden bench that we had recently purchased, which was settled on our porch at the back of our house.

She sat down on the sofa and rested her back against the black cushion, never breaking the contact between our intertwined fingers. She motioned for me to join her by tugging on my hand slightly.

Somehow, she knew exactly what I needed at this point. She pulled me against her, allowing me to bury my head into the crook of her neck as she tangled her fingers with my thick locks and her other travelled up and down my spine. I wrapped my arms around her mid-section as we lied down together.

"I'm so sorry I let you down, Swan. I never intended to do such a thing. I just wanted to be a better man for you, but I clearly failed. And I'm sorry I yelled at you. I should've been more mature, but I was just so scared I was going to lose you." I sobbed, occasionally coughing as my throat felt so dry it could burst any minute now. "Just please don't kick me out, give me another chance. I need you, Swan."

I was visibly shaking as tears streamed down my face, staining her shirt, because I had been perilously close to losing something I couldn't replace. I had fought to suppress my emotions, but once I had started talking I had lost all control over my feelings.

"Shhh." She cooed, planting a long, sweet kiss on the top of my head before placing her cheek flush against my head and held my trembling body tightly in an attempt to stop the shaking. "It's okay, my love, I already forgave you the moment I walked out of the door. I'm sorry I overreacted. I guess it was just a bad timing and both of our emotions had been oppressed for too long."


"I love you," He sniffed, kissing my neck sweetly as he continued to cry silently, but I honestly couldn't care less. I had cried my eyes out in his chest countless of times, returning the favor was the least I could do.

"I love you, too." I whispered, closing my eyes as I felt his warmth against my body and began to contemplate about our future, which was now restored.

We stayed outside for a while, a comfortable silence allowed us both to be occupied with our own thoughts. Here and there you would hear a quiet sob escape his lips, but he was slowly starting to calm down.

He startled me slightly when he suddenly removed his head from my shoulder, wiped away his tears quickly and sat up, pulling me with him.

"I thought I had truly lost you this time." He admitted, glancing down at his lap as I wasn't entirely certain what kind of respond he was anticipating from me.

"Killian, you'll never completely lose me." I replied, taking his hand in mine and placing it on my stomach and softy rubbing circles there. My bump wasn't big enough to be noticeable yet with your eyes, but you could clearly feel it if your hands roamed over my belly.

He grinned, leaning over to capture my lips with his for a feather kiss. His touch was so light a cold breeze immediately washed his touch away after he had pulled away, but the memory would remain floating through my mind forever.

"Come on, let's go inside. It's freezing out here." I said, grabbing his hand and dragging him with me to the back entrance of our house, he virtuously followed me.

"Swan, where did the grilled cheese go?" He asked me once we were inside and I had gone to the kitchen to grab myself a glass of water.

I looked up from the tab and saw him standing next to the sofa holding up two empty plates as he started at them as if they were extraterrestrial, inspecting them carefully in order to determine what had happened to his beloved food, but I knew it was useless.

"It grew legs and walked away because that's what grilled cheese does." I replied with a small giggle, turning off the tap as I took a sip of my water before I dug into the back he had brought to take my vitamins.

"Pom-pi-dom-pi-dom." He said playfully as he was imitating a grilled cheese with legs that walked through our living room – at least that's what I assumed he was representing.

I couldn't help but burst into an uncontrollable laughter as he continued to dance around the house whilst he would smirk at me every now and then. It was hilarious.

"Oh dear god, I married a five-year-old." I laughed, watching him intensely as I continued to drink my water.

"And a devilishly handsome five-year-old he is." He whispered as he was suddenly only a few inches away from my face, kissing the tip of my nose. He was absolutely adorable.

[So, any good ideas for a baby name? Girl or boy doesn't matter, I haven't decided yet. Cause otherwise their baby will we called Jon, whether it's a boy or a girl won't matter.]

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