Angry mates and Shenanigans-6

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-Erin's POV-
I woke slowly, my head throbbing and my eyes swollen. I slowly stretched and slid my bare legs out of bed, my bare feet hitting the cold, wood floor. Yawning, I got up out of bed and picked up my phone off the nightstand, wincing as the bright light coming from the tiny screen blinded me, making me almost drop the dang phone. It was only 3 in the morning, curse my inability to sleep. I've never been a sound sleeper. Always the first one awake and bored at slumber parties...not that I was invited to many......but you get the jest.....
Suddenly, a text popped up at me, from an unknown number, along with one from Kai. I ignored Kai's message, looking at the strange one from a strange number.
​​​​​​Unknown- Heyyyy. See you tonight love? Seven? If you need a ride, I can make arrangements.
I frowned, realizing this must be Louis. But no, I didn't give him my number. I would never ever do that, although.....I should have. I'm not a very good actress.......
How the hell did he get my number?
Erin- is this Louis? How did you get my number?
Unknown- yes. This is in fact Louis the Tommo Tomlinson. And you are
pretty lenient on where you keep your fell asleep. So I got your number. :)
Erin- if that's not creepy, I don't know what is.....
Louis- Sorry you're so beautiful I had to get it.....
Erin- Ha. Nice try. Yes. I'll see you tonight I guess. Might as well not waste this ticket. They're to some band......probably a horrible one know....
Louis-😑😭😱 Wow. Thought you loved me.
Erin- no one said anything about love. I'll see you tonight. Now stop texting me.
Louis- never.
Erin- I'll block you.
Louis- pretty sure you wouldn't.
Erin- Pretty sure..I actually would. My finger is literally over the block button.
Louis- FINE. FINE. I have rehearsal tonight anyways. See you tonight cutie.....😉😘
Erin- You disgust me. And don't call me cutie.
I shoved my phone back into my pocket quickly, not wishing to continue this. Harry is my mission. Not Louis. I'm starting to like Louis......he's funny. I told you I suck at acting. Besides, if I get Louis to trust me, that's helpful because apparently him and Harry are the closest in the band. At least that's what everyone says online.......
Hey. Don't judge me. I have to do research somehow. What better way then to see what the fans are thinking? I mean, they know pretty much everything there is to know about one direction and their lives. I'm actually quite glad this isn't a normal mission.....
Sighing, I got up and stretched before grabbing some clothes out of my suitcase and pulling on my outfit for the day. (2fd56ccc58bb296ae4b4b6fe14d324)
I let my black hair fall out of the braid I wore to bed into the slight waves for today, not caring to do anything special. It's only a concert after all......

-Louis's POV-
Zayn looked over my shoulder at my phone as I was texting Erin, his face scrunching up and his eyebrows furrowing together.
"I don't trust her." He mumbled, shaking his head slightly, his lips flattening into a straight line.
"Why not?" I asked instantly. His lips curved up slightly into a small smile.
"Lou. We can't just trust everyone we come into contact with. She could want you for fame or for money....." Zayn trailed. Liam nodded as he came to sit down next to us on the couch, glancing at his phone. Probably waiting for a text from his girlfriend, Amanda. Gosh. I don't know how he stands her. She's one of those fake girls who is afraid of breaking a nail, messing up her hair, and most of all, her face has got so much makeup on it, I don't think her real skin has ever seen the sun. It baffles me how a good guy like Zayn could like someone so....yuck. I mean...seriously. She's a little......b word when zayn isn't around. She hates us, and hates Niall the most. Though, I don't know why. He's Irish!! You have to love him.
"At least I'm not dating the clown." I replied, scoffing as his phone buzzed, revealing Amanda's name popping up on the screen.
"Shut up Louis. You have no idea." He snapped, rolling his eyes in annoyance. Putting my hands up in defense, I shook my head.
"Geez. Tou-chy.....I was only saying that I don't think she's right for you. She could be using you. That's all I was saying. I just don't want you to get hurt. " I replied, dropping my hands and glancing at Liam, who nodded at me subtly, indicating that he agreed.
"Well, I don't care. I love her and she loves me. And since when do you get to tell me what to do?" He snapped, locking his phone with a click.
"Zayn, he was just trying to-" Liam started, but we were cut off by Zayn yelling.
"NO!! Shut up!! You don't get a say in this!! I'm sick of you making fun of her Louis, and I'm sick of you warning me constantly! I don't need your help!! It's my life. Not yours." He yelled at the both of us, standing up and pointing at the both of us in turn. Liam swallowed, as if he were scared of Zayn's yelling. Zayn stormed from the room, slamming the door so hard behind him, the pictures rattled on the walls.
I flopped down next to Liam and shook my head.
"Well...that escalated quickly...." I mumbled, glancing at Liam's serious face out of the corner of my eyes and trying to get him to smile. No such luck.
"Stop with the jokes Lou." He mumbled, sounding slightly irritated. I nodded slowly, looking at the floor, the same as him. "We had better go warn Haz. Or else he'll get an earful too." Liam whispered, looking up at me.
I nodded slowly, but neither of us moved. We were plunged into an awkward silence, which seemed to last for an eternity.
"You know don't have to be the responsible one all the time Liam. I'm the oldest......" I mumbled, ashamed of my actions lately, thinking back to all the grief we give the management and how much we give Liam as well.
"Louis you don't have to-"
​​​​​​ "No. Just listen. I think...that....since I'm the oldest....I should naturally be the one know....look out for all of's always been you. I mean, I care for all of you, but I've never responsible....
​​​​​​ "You know you don't have to be the oldest all the time...." I finished, looking at Liam, who now had a slight hint of a smile.
"This is what I admire about you." He whispered, shaking his head as if he was baffled.
"What?" I asked defensively. He chuckled.
"You have so many sides. One minute, you're all happy go lucky and the troublemaker, the can be so serious." He pointed out. I nodded slowly and sighed, leaning back on the couch as Niall came through the door, laughing loudly as he pushed Harry in a shopping cart with a blanket over his head as he sang some song at the top of his lungs.
Niall was laughing so hard that he fell on the floor, laughing his head off. His face was red and he was practically crying. I took the opportunity to tip the cart over so that a big pile of Harry fell onto a giggling Niall, who groaned once the impact of Harry's weight hit him.
"Meanie." Niall said, followed with a few choice swear words and something Irish I didn't understand.
"How...and where did you guys get a shopping cart?!?!!" Liam asked, sounding baffled. Harry sat up, pulling Niall's shoe off his head and shoving it at Niall with a disgusted face. They took one look at each other and burst out laughing again.
"It's a long s-" they started before Paul and another one of our bodyguards burst through the door, fuming mad. Niall glanced at Harry and then yelled, "Harry. You take the high road, I'll take the low one and I'll be Jersey before ya!" He yelled as they both sprang up and bolted past our body guards, running down the hallway laughing.
"Louis....I swear if you.." Paul started, but I put up my hands in defense.
"I had absolutely nothing to do with this." I replied instantaneously....though, I was quite proud of them for causing trouble on their own. Following after my footsteps? Always a good decision......okay...maybe not. But you know what I mean...kind of.
"Liam?" Paul looked to him for confirmation.
"He was with me the whole time." Liam reassured. I pouted.
"Thanks for believing me. I know when I'm not wanted....I'll just uhmmm...go return this." I said "responsibly" as I pushed the cart out the door.
Paul gave me a really suspicious look, but I only smiled back cheekily and ran as soon as I got out the door. "Niall." I whispered, looking around the corners.
"Niall.....?" I called again quietly, glancing behind me as to assure that Paul was still with Liam.
"What?" Niall asked as he popped up in front of me, hanging from a pipe on the ceiling. I jumped backwards and hit my head on something as I fell on my bum.
"God Niall. Scared the heck out of me. What are you? A monkey?" I asked, frustrated as I rubbed my head before he helped me to my feet.
​​​​​​ "No....." he said as he tried to do a flip off the pipe. He obviously had forgotten that.....he was the clumsiest person I knew and fell flat on the floor, rubbing his knee as he sat up. "That was the worst idea Haz. I told you!" Niall yelled. Harry popped up out of a cardboard box next to me and laughed.
"Why do you think I told you to hide there?" He replied cheekily. Niall's face changed to mock anger as he scowled.
"You are so dead." Niall growled just as Paul came from the room.
"I thought we were in this together!!" Harry yelled as Niall chased him down the hallway. Niall laughed fakely.
"It's every man for himself!!" I screamed as I chased the two of them down the hallway, laughing as Harry tripped and fell, pulling Niall down with him. Unfortunately, I couldn't stop in time and added to their pig pile.
"You guys are in big trouble." Paul scolded. Niall laughed innocently.
​​​​​​ "I'm not scared of you Pauly." He cooed. Paul threw Niall over his shoulder, but we avoided the other body guards hands and slinked away from them, me following Harry as we ran down the hallway.
"Thanks for the help lads!!" Niall yelled after us sarcastically. I turned and ran backwards, only to yell back at him.
"We said it's every man for himself!!"

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