New friends-9

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A/n- Shadows come with the pain that you're running from.

-Erin's POV-
I hurried to my seat and sat down, looking around as people had begun to sit down and crazed fangirls were practically peeing their pants with joy. I was somewhat less thrilled and tired. A girl sat down next to me and smiled, sticking her hand out for me to shake.
"Hello. My name is Cora, what's yours?" She asked, still smiling. Now, usually, I would blow her off and answer with something rude, such as "Wouldn't you like to know?" But today, I just wasn't in the mood, nor had the energy to say such things, so I settled for a fake smile and a nod as I shook her hand.
"Erin." I replied. She smiled and sat down in the seat next to me, looking around the room.
"Do you like them?" She asked, nodding towards the stage. I looked at her, taking in her black colored hair and dark skin and kind looking face. A tattoo of a bird rested on her right thigh, clearly showing through her see through tights. Her style wasn't too bad, and I quite liked her outfit.
"Totally honest." She replied. I sighed.
"They're alright. Not my type of music...but alright." I replied, crossing my arms and legs, wincing when my skinned flesh of my knee hit the skin on the back of my leg.
"Thank the Lord I'm not the only one. I didn't even want these tickets. My boyfriend gave them to me......thought I liked them or something....? I really don't know." She sighed, shaking her head.
"Ugh. I feel you. I entered a stupid contest on the radio and won these tickets and backstage passes. I thought it would be to something else." I lied. She chuckled, crossing her legs and pulling down her shorts like she was insecure about how short they were.
"You could've sold them." She suggested. I shrugged nonchalantly about nodded.
"I could have....but I guess I wanted the experience...ya know?"
"Yeah .."
"Where is your boyfriend? I don't mean to sound rude or anything, but said he gave you these tickets? Shouldn't he be here? "I asked. Who am I kidding? I meant to be rude.
"Ugh. He's a jerk. Did I say boyfriend? I meant ex boyfriend. Found out he was cheating on me with my younger sister. That's the end of that. Brought this dude, Cole...." she said, motioning to the guy sitting next to her. He had dark hair and skin, just like hers, and looked up when she mentioned his name and smiled, winking in a flirtatious way. I winced and looked away, obviously getting the player vibe from this guy.
"Don't worry. I'm not dating him," she whispered. "he's just along to get under my ex's skin. The two have been enemies for ages." She grinned, pulling her rope braided hair back, shaking it so that it fell off her shoulders.
"Good thing. He looks like a tramp who hasn't eaten in two weeks and you're his first meal...." I trailed. She laughed, pushing my shoulder. I frowned.
"You're so funny!!" She laughed. I laughed awkwardly, getting an odd feeling, like she could be my friend.
More and more people were filing in to find their seats and the place was beginning to get loud. I sighed and crossed my legs, my knees still burning. I ignored the pain and pulled out my phone to text Kai.
"Concert's about to start. Going to 'hang' with them after the concert. Tell you what happens later."
I glanced over at Cora, who was glancing at my phone and rose her eyebrows. I shoved it in my pocket quickly. That's the absolute last thing I need right now. For my cover to be blown.
"Is that your boyfriend?" She asked snoopily. Usually, I didn't like people getting all up in my business and usually just told them to screw off or shut up. But, I was in her business, so I guess she deserves the right to be in mine a little.
"Yes. He's quite clingy." I lied smoothly, running a hand through my long hair. She laughed.
"I get that. Totally...." she said, looking down at her lap as if something haunted her. I looked up to the stage when the lights dimmed, a countdown showing on the screen before us. The crowd was chanting, their English accents so much different than my American one. The screaming was a bit much, at least I thought so. The screaming girl on my other side begged to differ as she screamed hysterically in my ear. I had the urge to punch her, but remembered the guard and clenched my fists at my sides. I was never good in loud situations, until recently, I had never liked places with a lot of people. Claustrophobic, I think they call it.....or maybe I just hate people, that's actually probably accurate.
When the countdown reached one, the crowd roared and the hysterical girl next to me had begun to cry like a baby. "This is so intense." I said to Cora. She nodded, her eyebrows pushed together before she rolled her eyes.
"Helllooo London!!" The blonde one yelled into his microphone. His voice had a hinted Irish accent that I didn't notice before. His name escaped me, as they all pretty much were the same to me. Either his name was Liam or Niall. Should've done more research....
Though most people had stayed standing while the concert was going, I sat down through the third song. I wasn't the fangirl type. It wasn't how I rolled. The only one that really appealed to me in looks was Zayn, because he looked more my type. Dark, mysterious. His voice was beautiful, I have to admit. All of there's were, but there was just something there.....
Everyone says the concerts go so fast, but......they really don't if you're not into it. Three hours later, the concert was finally done. To be honest I don't know how they drug it out that long with only one album, but hey, whatever. I'm not going anywhere anyways.......
"That wasn't too bad." Cora admitted. I nodded along with her statement and hugged her quickly. We had exchanged numbers earlier, and I was glad to have a friend. Even though, it probably, wait....definitely wouldn't last. Cora was similar to me, and I really liked that.
"I have to go. I'll catch you later." I said quickly, hurrying away before I could catch her answer. I went to the side of the stage and showed the guard my backstage pass before heading down the hallway from which I had come earlier and knocking on the dressing room door that they had been in before.
Harry opened the door. He had no shirt on, and his chest was glistening with water like he had just taken a shower. His abs were practically glowing and my breath literally caught in my throat. I saw some heat race to his face and looked to see that he was only in his boxers.
"Ummm...hi." I saw awkwardly. He scratched his neck uncomfortably and smiled at me.
"Hi Erin. Sorry, we were just....getting ready to......."
"Go home?" I suggested. He nodded, letting me in the dressing room. The blonde one was laying on the floor, his phone raised above his head, no shirt on, obviously. Louis was on the couch, fully dressed, reading a book and the other brown haired one was brushing his wet hair, like he had just gotten out of the shower as well. Zayn was nowhere to be seen.
"Hey Erik!!" The blonde one yelled at me. I frowned.
"Her name's Erin, idiot." Louis said from the couch, not looking up from his book. I smiled at his comment and went to sit down on the couch next to him.
"Well, I'm gonna call 'er Erik." The blonde one said again. I smiled.
"You can call me anything you'd like." I smirked, winking at Niall. His face turned a shade of crimson as he laughed.
"You know it." He replied sheepishly. I laughed at his boyish like tactics as Louis slapped my arm.
"You leave the innocent one alone." He scolded me, hitting me in the arm with his book. I grabbed the book out of his hands and held it over my head.
"Niall! Statue of liberty pass!" I yelled as got up and ran across the room. I threw the book to him and he ran out the door, laughing as Louis growled and got up. He chased Niall around the room and I began to laugh as Liam started scolding them and Harry got involved, tackling Louis to the ground and tickling him.
"What's going on?" Zayn's voice asked suddenly. My head shot upright as I saw him standing in the doorway. His hair was dripping with water and his face was angry. Harry stopped tickling Louis, and sat back, still on top of Louis. Niall dropped Louis's book to the ground and looked at it like he wanted to pick it up, but didn't.
​​​​​​ "Nothing." Louis replied, shoving Harry off of him and getting up, and offering Harry one too.
"Come on. Let's go." Liam said, picking up the book off the ground and shoving it back in Niall's hands after he pulled on his jacket. The silence was suffocating and it felt odd, almost like they were slightly scared of Zayn or they were in a fight and not talking to one another.
I followed Zayn, Louis and Harry out of the dressing room and noticed Zayn had dropped a piece of paper. I caught up to him and held it out to him as we walked. "I think you dropped this....." I said. He pulled it roughly from me and narrowed his eyes so that only I could see it.
"Thank you." His voice was so full of venom that I rose my eyebrows.
"You are so welcome." I spat with equally as much venom. He rolled his eyes and I dropped back to walk next to Louis, following them out to their van and getting in the back in the window seat next to Louis. I laid my head on the window and closed my eyes, wanting to go home.
"You okay?" Louis asked. I nodded against the window, leaving my eyes shut.

A/n- watching Louis's performance of his new song had me in tears. What Simon said broke my heart. I cannot even fathom the pain he is going through right now. I love you Lou boo. This is for you. 😘😭
Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Don't be afraid or discouraged by the size of the task, for the Lord God, my God, is with you. He will not fail you or forsake
-1 Chronicles 28:20

I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from his love. Death can't, and life can't. The angels can't, and the demons can't. Our fears for today, our worries about tomorrkw, and even the powers of hell can't keep God's love away. Whether we are high above the sky or in the deepest ocean, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.
-Romans 8:38-39

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