Fire and Ice-42

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-Song of the chapter is 'My Favorite Part' by Mac Miller ft. Ariana Grande


Harry drove quickly back to his apartment, his fingers tapping on the wheel nervously. I reached out to slowly pull one of his hands off of the wheel and hold his shaky fingers in my steady ones.

"Why're you so nervous?" I questioned, setting his hand in my lap and running my fingers over the veins in his hand.

"You make me nervous," he replied, giving me a shy smile. I thought for a moment before I smiled. His hand squeezed my leg and I laughed slightly.

"You shouldn't be nervous around me. I'm harmless," I beamed, trying to hide my own nervousness. I didn't know what tonight would hold. Being in a room full of famous people and getting photographed with Harry willingly didn't sit well with my stomach. I vaguely wanted to text Kai to make sure that all of this was okay with him, but I pushed that out of my mind. I didn't need him to ruin Harry's night. Besides, maybe it would be fun to be famous. Dating a member of one of the world's most famous boy bands had to have its perks...right?

"Do you think they'll like me?" I blurted out before I could stop myself. I have to stop being so insecure around him. It's going to ruin me.

"Who?" He questioned and I sighed, playing with a stray piece of hair that was bothering me.

"Your famous friends...the paparazzi...your fans...just...everyone. I mean, they know we're dating, but we haven't announced anything and we haven't gone to an event like this yet," I mumbled, expressing my doubts. The spotlight was probably one of the worst things about this mission. If Harry was some normal person from London, I would find it easy to do all of this...but...he was far from normal.

"They'll love you...and...if they don't, that's alright, because it's still my decision who I'm with, not theirs," he assured as he pulled into the parking lot of his building. We both got out of the car and didn't speak until we were safely in the elevator.

"I can't help thinking that they won't like me, that they'll think I'm not worthy of you or-" I started, but he cut me off quickly, his lips attacking my own.

I made some sort of sound of surprise but quickly recovered, grasping the back of his head and pulling gently on his hair. He pushed me backward until my back hit the wall, his lips moving down my neck and to my exposed shoulder.

"Is this enough to make you feel like you're worthy of me?" He growled against my skin, his teeth grazing my shoulder. I felt my breath hitch in my throat at the insane feeling.

"Maybe," I managed to get out, laughing as he looked up at me, his hair messed up from me running my hands through it. He smiled cheekily at me, biting his tongue.

Now. NOW. Now I understand why his fans are so obsessed with him. He is one beautiful human being.

He gently took his weight off of me and I wiped my hand across my forehead like I was incredibly sweaty. He smiled at me as the elevator dinged and we hurried out. I jumped on his back before we walked into his flat, him carrying me piggyback.

I laughed loudly at a stupid joke he told me when my laugh was cut off immediately when I saw who was in the room. Niall, Liam, Louis, and even Zayn were sitting on the couch, all of them looking at me and Harry. I felt my teeny, tiny self-conscious voice whisper at me to get out of the situation fast, but Harry wouldn't let me.

I slid off of his back and tried to hide behind him, but he only grabbed my hand, forcing me to stay put.

"What's up lads?" Harry asked quietly, giving me a subtle look that said he knew I was uncomfortable.

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