Irish Bloke-10

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A/n- Life has destroyed the dream I dreamed.

-Erin's POV-
"Home sweet home." Louis said and I looked up. My phone buzzed in my lap and I glanced at it.
"Okay kid. Don't forget what you're there for...." Kai texted me back from what I had said before. I sighed, rubbing a hand over my face and through my hair. I had a slight headache forming near my ears and I sighed.
"Who's that?" Louis asked from next to me. I put on a fake smile and shook my head.
"No one." I replied, shaking my head. He squinted at me suspiciously before smiling and pulling me out of the van.
"This is it." He said as we walked into the apartment or "flat" as they called it. Harry flopped down on the couch immediately, while Niall headed towards the kitchen. Zayn was nowhere to be found, and Liam sat on Harry, who groaned, shoving him off.
"Movie night!!" Louis yelled, startling me. He laughed and ran into the kitchen. I sighed and crossed my arms over my chest, tracing a small scar on my right arm.
"Oh, you can sit down." Harry said, scratching the back of his neck. "Sorry, we can be rude sometimes." He apologized. I nodded silently and sat down next to him, crossing my legs. It was quite cold in the room and goosebumps were appearing on my legs. He glanced down at them and frowned, his eyebrows pulling together and his lips pulling into a straight line.
"Are you cold?"he asked quietly. I shook my head gently, waving him off in an attempt to act shy. I am a lot of things, but shy isn't one of them.
"No. I'm fine. Really." I answered, pulling my leather jacket tighter around me. As I suspected, it didn't offer much comfort, or warmth.
"I could get you a blanket or....?" He questioned, but I shook my head.
"No it's fine really......?" I trailed, implying that I had forgotten his name, even though I hadn't.
"Harry." He said instantly. I nodded in remembrance.
"Right, sorry."
"It's cool." He replied. An awkward silence fell between us, which was interrupted by a loud scream in the kitchen. Harry jumped and looked towards the kitchen, before shrugging and looking back to the blank television.
"Shouldn't we....?" I started, but he shook his head, seemingly reading my mind.
"Nah. Sounded like one of Lou's hissy fits. 3, 2, 1....." Harry counted off. Just as he hit one, Niall sprinted out into the living room, popcorn underneath his arm, spilling a line from where he had tipped it.
"Niall! Give me my popcorn!!" Louis shouted at Niall, who laughed loudly, shoving popcorn into his mouth.
"Gonna have to catch me!" Niall taunted, throwing popcorn across the room, over our heads, and at Louis. Louis scowled and looked to Harry for help.
"Haz? Some help?" Louis pleaded, but Harry shook his head, smiling.
"You two are the same size. I'd like to see how this ends." He said, smirking as he sat back, crossing his legs. I laughed as Louis parted us and jumped over the couch, lunging at Niall.
Niall screamed a high pitched, girly scream as Louis tackled him to the ground. Niall fell with Louis on top of him, both covered in popcorn.
"Louis!! Look what you did!!" Niall screamed, just as Louis picked up a handful of popcorn off of Niall's chest and smirked at Niall. "You git...." Niall muttered Louis shoved the popcorn in Niall's mouth, cutting off his talking and smearing the buttery stuff across Niall's face.
"Serves you right. Crazy Irish bloke. Stealing my popcorn."Louis mumbled,throwing more popcorn on Niall's face. Niall tried to sit up, but Louis pushed him back down, smiling again. "Trying to run, are we?" Louis taunted, but Niall rolled his eyes. His face was shiny from the buttery popcorn.
"No." Niall said, right before he grabbed Louis's shoulders, successfully overturning him and climbing on Louis. Louis groaned, dropping his head to the carpet in annoyance.
"Wow. Has little Nialler been working out?" Harry asked from beside me. Niall laughed and smiled down at Louis.
"Guess the corn is on the other foot." Niall said. There was an awkward pause, in which I'm sure every one was trying to figure out the meaning behind the lame joke.
"Don't ever say that again." Louis said, shaking his head against the floor. Niall began to tickle Louis, who began to screech with laughter just as Liam came in the room and saw the mess. His eyes widened and his mouth opened.
"What the heck have you guys been doing?!?!" Liam yelled. Niall didn't cease his tickle attack on Louis, who was calling out for Harry to help him. "It's a mess in here!!" Liam said again, no one seemed to notice him, except me. "What's going on?" He asked me. I smiled, shaking my head.
"Harry help!!" Louis screamed.
"No, don't help him! Let's see how long it takes for him to pee himself!" Niall yelled. Harry laughed, shaking his head and got up, picking Niall up off of Louis and carrying the yelling boy out the door.
"Idiot." Louis mumbled as he sat up, popcorn sticking in his messy hair.
"What happened?" Zayn came in the room and asked. Liam rolled his eyes and flopped on the other couch in exhaustion.
I made eye contact with Zayn and was grateful when the door opened, directing his attention to that instead.
Harry came through the door, shutting it quickly behind him and flipping the lock. "Hey!! Not fair!!" An Irish accent yelled through the door.
"I locked him out." Harry sounded proud of himself, but Liam huffed and walked over to the door, unlocking it for Niall. "Ugh. Kill joy." Harry complained quietly, not saying it loud enough so that Liam would hear. Niall didn't say a word as he flopped down on the floor, turning around only to stick his tongue out at Harry like a child.
My phone buzzed in my lap and Harry glanced at it, just as I shoved it underneath my leg. He gave me a look of confusion, but looked away quickly.
"I swear, you all are being the rudest tonight." Liam huffed, sitting next to Zayn, where he sat on the couch.
Louis put in some super hero movie, to which I wasn't really paying much attention. Everyone settled down after that, because it was getting pretty late. When I looked at my phone, I saw it was after 11.
I yawned, and Harry glanced at me, smiling slightly. I smiled back when I realized I couldn't fake a blush.
Soon, everyone had fallen asleep. Louis was passed out on the floor, his popcorn smudged on his face. Liam was on the couch next to Zayn, who leaned his head on Liam's shoulder. Both were asleep. Harry was asleep as well and I could feel his breath on my neck, as his head was dangerously close to laying on my shoulder. I suppose I fell asleep too, but only after texting Kai back.
Erin- He doesn't suspect anything. I'm sure of it. I'll see you in a week.....

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