High and Sly-35

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-Song of the chapter is 'dkla' by Troye Sivan


      I sighed as I threw myself down on my bed, my eyes leaking out slow tears.

I didn't know what was wrong with me lately, my eyes seemed to have an unending amount of tears. I can't stop fucking crying.

I hadn't seen Harry for a couple days. Every day that he texted me, I made up some excuse just so I wouldn't have to see him. I don't know why, but I felt like I had exposed too much of me to him. Telling him about my family, something that was true, was a definite no-no. But, because I'm an idiot, I did it anyway.

     I got off my bed quickly and eyed the bag that Jack gave me, which still sat on my dresser, pulling me in. It seemed to scream my name, so I finally stumbled over to it and pulled it open quickly, drawing me one thing from it.

I moved the bag of white powder around on my fingers before slowly setting it down. 

      My fingers trembled as I poured the powder onto the table in front of me and made a line with a piece of paper, manipulating the drug to my liking.

     I let out a quiet sob as I did the line, my head spinning as I laid back on my bed after I was done, waiting for the high to kick in. A few moments later, it did just that.

      Suddenly, everything was shinier and my world was more optimistic.

I laid still on the bed for a long time, my head spinning with thoughts of my family and Angela and even Harry. His stupid curls wouldn't leave my mind.

I saw his hair fanned around his head as blood poured from the back of his head, a small bullet hole in his forehead. The image made me want to throw up, but I hadn't eaten anything in a couple days. Nothing would be there to get rid of. 

     My phone buzzed from next to me, but I ignored it when I saw that it was from Harry, the one person I wanted to avoid.

     Why the hell couldn't he just leave me alone?  Why was I now his go-to person to talk to?  He has friends. He should talk to them while he still can. While he's still alive.

If this is what being a girlfriend is like. Then I'm out.

Dealing with clingy men all day and waiting beside the phone for him to call me or text me is so not my style.

Sorry, Harry. You'll have to try a bit harder to win over this fucked up mind.

I swiped clear at the notifications and buried my face into my pillow before my fucking phone rang again, startling me.

I answered it without looking who it was.

"What do you want?" I snapped at the person as soon as the phone had hit my ear.

"Well, that's a fine way to greet your old friend," Jacks distinct voice came over the phone and I groaned inwardly, rolling over on my bed and throwing my arm over my eyes.

I hate boys.

Kill me now.

"What do you want? I only needed the one favor. You can kindly leave me alone now if you'd like," I spat, making him laugh through the phone, only managing to make me even madder.

"Geez. Calm down, princess. I only wanted to know if you want more shit. Because I can hook you up with it if you-"

"Shut up Jack. I'm not going to be getting into any beds with you anytime soon. It would be appreciated if you didn't call me again," I said, getting ready to hang up.

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