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-Song of the chapter is '505' by Arctic Monkeys


I woke up with a massive headache, my body weighed down by something. When I opened my eyes, I saw at least 5 blankets wrapped around me, my body so warm that I was sweating a little. Looking around the room, I realized I didn't know where I was, my eyes squinting at the light coming from the windows.

Shit. I know those windows.

The rain hit them gently and I slowly tried to sit up, my whole back and neck aching from the position I had slept in last night. I was on the couch in Jack's apartment, making me gasp when I realized who had caught me last night and had taken care of me. My eyes were tired, them drooping tiredly even though I had just woken up.

"Well, look who's finally awake," his voice came from next to me, making me jump. Zayn stood in front of me, a cup of tea in his hands. He was dressed in some sweatpants and a t-shirt, his hair looking like he had just woken up as well. If I wasn't so in love with Harry, Zayn was definitely the one I would've been attracted to. Even in his tired, sleepy state he still managed to look gorgeous. And I was so jealous of him.

"" I stuttered, making him raise an eyebrow at me as he pulled a cigarette out of the pack in his hand. The smell of his smoke was now familiar and I felt myself breathing it in, realizing how badly I needed a cigarette. He noticed my reaction to his smoke and offered me one, lighting it for me and handing it over. I let out a sigh of relief as I inhaled deeply, feeling relaxed almost instantly.

"No need for the words. I saved your ass, again," he said calmly as he sat down at the kitchen table, moving Jack's shit off so that he could set his cup on it.

"Why'd you help me?"

"You're a complete disaster, Erin. You came here last night around midnight, almost hypothermic. You fell into my arms and asked for my help..." he sighed, setting his cup back down after taking a small sip and talking into his cup. "I put you in some warm clothes and warmed you up, letting you sleep so you could finally have some peace..." his voice was tired and sad...and I suddenly felt bad for how I had treated him.

"But...why?" I questioned. He hated me so much...I would've expected him to let me die. I mean, if I was him, I would've let me die.

"I may hate you, Erin, but I'm not going to let you die. Everyone has their low points...and everyone deserves someone to save them...even if that person is someone who they hate," he mumbled, stirring his tea around with a spoon, making small clinking noises as it hit the sides of the cup. I felt tears sting my eyes.

"Thank you," I said quietly, to which he nodded.

I finally managed to sit up, groaning when I did so, and looked down at my clothes. I was in a baggy sweatshirt and a pair of sweatpants that were too big for me, making me frown.

"Are these...?"

"Jack's? Yeah," he responded, shrugging. "I couldn't find any girl clothes," he admitted.  Nodding, I swung my legs out from under the blanket.

"Is Jack still alive?" He asked, his voice interested in why I would have come here of all places.

"No. He and Kai are dead," I replied, taking a long drag and nodding at him in a silent appreciation for the cigarette.

"Why'd you kill em?"

"Because I didn't want them alive," I responded, making him tilt his head in recognition.

"Fair enough, they were dicks anyway," he replied, a small smile gracing his lips. A silence engulfed us as I grasped at my phone that was sitting on the coffee table next to me, in a bag of rice.

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