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-Song of the chapter is 'Lucky Strike' by Troye Sivan. (Just saying, his new album just came out and it's so good, I'm not okay.)


     "Are you sure this is such a good idea, Harry?" Louis asked me as I laid the dress I had picked out for Erin on the bed. I rolled my eyes and didn't meet his eyes as I bustled around the room, trying to get things ready.

      Planning a date this big had me incredibly anxious. My hands were shaking, my whole body practically set on vibrate.

      "It's going to be great," I assured, sounding like I was trying to convince myself and not him.

"You sound sarcastic," he pointed out, flopping himself down on my bed. I rolled my eyes, pulling one of my shirts roughly out from under him.

       "Maybe I'm just annoyed with you," I snapped, he sat up then, throwing one of my pillows at me and hitting me in the face.

     "Just because you have a hot girlfriend now, who, by the way, I introduced you to, doesn't mean you have to be a dick all the time," he pointed out, starting to get up off of my bed. His small feet slapped against the floor as he ripped open the door quickly.

      "Why does Zayn get the right to be a dick and not me?" I questioned, making him stop in his tracks. He slowly turned, his eyebrows raised. Oh no. Here it comes.

     "We all defended you, Harry. Zayn is upset, yes. But we all defended you and Erin, no matter how much I'm starting to doubt if she's good for you..." he trailed, shoving his hands in his pockets. I broke his eye contact and looked at the ground for a second, trying to determine what his words meant.

      "What do you mean?" I asked.

      Erin wasn't changing me, she wasn't bad for me. She helped bring me out of my shell, helped me do stuff that I normally wouldn't do. She helped me learn to have FUN.

      "Harry, we never see you anymore, only when we have to do something. I get it, that you just started dating her and you think you're in love with her because it's all so new and fresh and exciting, but it's not like you to forget about us," he pointed out. "It's not like you to put a girl over all of your friends. And, don't get me wrong, I'm not bashing Erin or anything, I think she's nice and she makes you happy, but I'm only saying that we all still don't know her the best. I don't want another repeat of Zayn and Amanda.  I just don't want you to get hurt," he admitted. His feet shuffled against the floor like when he was nervous and I sighed, shoving my hands in my pockets.

     "I'm sorry," I answered. "I didn't know I was ignoring you guys. It's just...Erin has some problems and I'm sure that I can help her with them," I admitted, thinking back to Erin's drinking, drugs, and smoking issues.

"She's the only one who can fix her own problems, Harry, I'm sure she isn't expecting you to fix them for her," Louis said. I sighed, plopping down on the bed next to the beautiful dress I had picked out for her.

"Do you think she'll like it?" I asked, running my fingers over the soft fabric of the pale, pink dress.

      "I'm sure she'll love it, Haz," Louis said gently, sitting down next to me. I sighed and laid down, putting my arms underneath my head.

      "She makes me so nervous," I admitted. He laughed lightly and laid down next to me, shaking his head.

       "You love her?" He asked, making the breath rush from my lips.

     I hadn't thought about that yet. Hadn't worked out the possibility that I could be in love with Erin. I mean, we hadn't yet been dating for a month, it was drawing near though.

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