glass and plastic are 2 different things...-49

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-Songs of the chapter are 'Dollhouse'  and 'Cry Baby' by Melanie Martinez. (She's amazing and I've loved her for so long. Creativity beyond the brainless rap and pop music being put out now is so important. Music with a message is the most important thing ever when picking what you listen to)


      Harry moved his arm so it was wrapped loosely around me as we laid quietly in my bed, facing each other. The silence surrounding us was comfortable, so I made no move to break it. Thankfully, we both had clothes on, so I no longer felt exposed or well, uncomfortable.

      Harry has been here all day, laying around with me and watching tv with me. I had told him that I didn't feel well, which I didn't. Considering I had gotten drunk out of my mind last night, I still wasn't feeling great.  I had thrown up quite a few times, but I didn't let Harry in on that information. It wasn't important enough to bother him with.

      I opened my eyes to look at him, looking at his closed eyes and wondering if he was asleep. There was something intriguing about the way his eyelashes laid peacefully on his cheeks. He was truly beautiful, everything about him. From the way, his chest fell slowly up and down, to the way his pale skin made me think he never goes outside.

"Stop staring," he softly said, his eyes still closed in content.

"I wasn't," I replied instantly, trying to prove to myself that he didn't mean a thing to me. He was just a mission, and I had to remember that.

"You wouldn't have replied if you weren't," he shot back, finally opening his eyes to reveal his beautiful green orbs that I swear I could fall into.  I was incredibly tired, my whole body screaming for me to close my eyes, but I wouldn't. Not yet. I wanted to observe him longer, to burn his image into my memory so I wouldn't forget him when he was gone.

     "You're too pretty to not be stared at," I reminded him. He blinked slowly, tiredly. His eyelashes hit his cheek and I smiled.

"Is that so?" He said softly, all of his features calm. I surprised myself, and him by reaching my hand up and sliding it into his hair. His curls were soft between my fingers and I sighed. I wondered what they'd look like with blood matted in them.

"Of course," I whispered back, my fingers still intertwined with his hair. His legs brushed against mine before he tangled them together, his sock-covered feet rubbing my leg. A silence fell in the room, the faint sound of the tv in the background. The silence was welcomed by me and I closed my eyes, laying my head on the pillow. After what could've been seconds, minutes, or hours, Harry's raspy voice came back.

"Can I ask you a question? won't get mad?" He asked hesitantly, I kept my eyes closed, the bright light coming in from the window too much to bear.

     "Sure," I mumbled.

      "You have nightmares...don't you?" He whispered, his voice slightly muffled by the pillow. My eyes shot open at his inquiry, my heart pounding in my chest.

      "Why would you ask that?" I wondered out loud, watching his facial expressions change quickly. He sighed, leaning forward to kiss me. I only pulled away in shock, not letting his lips touch mine until I had a viable explanation.

      "I can see it in your eyes. There are such dark bags underneath them and you sleep so hard when I'm with you. You don't seem to be getting enough sleep.  I thought this was the best explanation..." he trailed, his eyes searching my face. I looked away to rid myself of his glances.

      My biggest fear is him being able to read me like a book. I wasn't usually the person people could figure out. That's most likely why Kai chose me for this mission. Either that, or he just wanted to ruin my life, which was all too plausible.

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