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A/n- I seriously want to know how much my body can take of everything until I truly break.


      "So, where did you want to go then?" I asked Erin as I got into the car after closing her door for her, which she had told me was not necessary about a hundred times.

      "I was thinking we could go back to your place? What are the boys doing tonight?" She asked, surprising me. I had thought tonight would just be us, but maybe I was wrong about her. I was getting ahead of myself. Why would she like me anyway?

      "Oh, umm, I think they were going to watch a movie. All except Zayn that is....he's with Amanda," I said nonchalantly, but she looked at me suddenly like she was surprised.

      "Amanda?" She asked suspiciously and I looked  at her in question. Why did she care so much?

      "Yeah, she's Zayn's girlfriend?" I told her. I didn't say anything else that I wanted to say about Amanda being a sleaze bag or about how she was probably using Zayn for the money.

       "Oh. Cool," she replied curtly before looking out the window like she was deep in thought.

       "Is everything okay?" I asked her. She was acting strange and she looked kind of sick. Also, she smelled heavily of smoke that was barely masked in a layer of perfume.

      "Everything's perfect," she said, turning to smile at me and changing her mood in seconds.

      "Okay," I said awkwardly, pulling at the collar of my shirt nervously. I glanced over at Erin and stared in awe at the way she looked.

       She was a heaven and hell wrapped in one interesting combination. Being so pretty, and dressing so harshly was a huge contrast. Her tattoos were few, but all of them seemed important to her.

      I had thought about getting a few tattoos myself, but hadn't decided what to get yet. I had to make sure it was the right decision, first of all. I knew Zayn had a few tattoos, so I didn't think management would be too mad.

      "Harry," Erin whispered. "You missed the turn," she said faintly and I sighed, going around the block once so that we wound back up at our flats.

      I got out of the car and opened the car door for her before she could protest, giving her my hand to help her out. She rolled her eyes at me and I grinned as I grabbed her hand and pulled her into the building.

      We finally got to the door and I walked right in, using the key I found in my pocket. Erin followed me closely and my hand was still linked with hers.

"I'm home honey," I stated loudly, Liam and Louis turning to look at me in amusement.

Niall's head didn't turn and I frowned, glancing at him and giving Liam a look. Liam shook his head at me urgently and I sighed, closing the door behind me and Erin.

"I thought you guys were going somewhere?" Louis questioned but I shrugged, glancing at Erin.

"We decided to come back here," I replied. All three of them were on the couch, but Niall was slumped down further where he sat, his arms crossed over his chest like he was pouting.

"Yay! Party!" Louis said, but it lacked the enthusiasm it usually had. His voice was less than excited and it dropped off at the end like it was a small attempt to cheer up Niall...and it failed.

Erin and I sat down on the love seat next to the couch, neither of us sitting too close or touching one another. I could see Niall's face now, and he looked absolutely gutted.

Forbidden- A Harry Styles StoryWhere stories live. Discover now