time doesn't equal forgiveness- 74

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Trigger Warning- This book has had a lot of swearing but this chapter is a bit heavier on swearing and also deals with sex, sexual assault, and some other heavy things. I honestly don't know how I feel about this chapter. I can only hope I don't offend anyone, but it's an insight to Erin's mind soooo...blame the character, not me!  Enjoy!

-Songs of the chapter are 'High School Sweethearts' by Melanie Martinez, 'I always wanna die (sometimes)' by The 1975, 'Heather' by Conan Gray, and 'Would You' by The Vamps


My heartbeat was erratic as I fell backward onto the concrete, laughing as I laid down. The boy next to me gave me a huge grin as he rolled on top of me, kissing my neck quickly as his weight was fully on me.

"Name?" He asked quietly in my ear, his lips grazing it gently as I bit my lip.

"No," I gasped out, my head dizzy and the whole world spinning around me. His lips on me felt so good and the drugs certainly helped me out as I realized that nothing really mattered but this moment.

"What a strange name," he laughed. I smiled up at him and threaded my fingers through his thick, black hair. He was dark-skinned, his complexion much different than Harry's pale one. But, he was beautiful anyway and I was high enough that anyone would catch my attention, no matter what they looked like. 

"Oi! Jayden!! If you're gonna have sex, at least do it inside and not on my front lawn!" A heavy Scottish accent yelled from behind us. Jayden laughed into my neck, instantly peeling himself off of me and pulling me up behind him. As soon as we got inside, the floor was shaking with the bass of the loud music, making me smile against Jayden's shoulder. He had me pressed against the wall, tilting my head with his index finger to get a better angle on his assault on my neck.

The strobing lights and the loud music consumed me as I felt everything to a higher degree, my senses overloaded with noise and drugs, and the feeling of Jayden's hand between my legs. I jumped up so my legs were wrapped around his waist and he instantly took the hint and carried me over to the bedroom off of the living room. Finding it empty, he slammed the door behind us, his hands fiddling with the buttons on my small crop top urgently.

My hand grasped at his shirt, tugging it over his head and running my hands over his abs. He had gotten my shirt off and pushed me gently backward so I was on the bed, his lips instantly ravishing my chest. I moaned loudly as his lips continued their taunting game.

His hand came to rest between my legs once again, making me let out a loud groan. When his hands fiddled with the button on my pants, I obliged and pulled my short skirt down as well as my underwear, watching as he also pulled his pants off as fast as possible.

"What did you say your name was?" His lisp said against mine as they came together.

"Erin," I finally gasped out, tugging him closer by his neck.

That night was one of the nights I wouldn't ever remember again, my mind so glazed over by drugs and alcohol that I could barely remember my name. Everything that I felt that night was almost excruciatingly pleasurable. That is until I ruined it once again.

I felt his lips between my thighs and I let out a loud whine, my mouth subconsciously making these noises, not asking for my consent.

"Harry," I let out a moan, my mind not registering what I had said until it was out, making Jayden's movements slow to a stop instantly. I felt myself swallow heavily, watching as he pulled away from me.

"Did you just call me...Harry?" He asked, his eyes looking up into mine as I panted, not over what he was doing before he had stopped.

"I...I...I'm sorry," I stuttered out, unable to explain what was going on. My mind was a jumbled mess of pleasure and pain and I couldn't distinguish the two. Jayden seemed to not mind that I had called him a different name because his lips dipped down between my thighs once more and I gasped.

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