How could I have been so stupid?-12

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-Zayn's POV-

I waited until Niall was all the way in my room and had shut the door before going into the kitchen.

Erin was sat at the island, her legs dangling because of the height of the bar stool. Her hair was thrown over her shoulder and she was leaned over, only moving to pick up her coffee and take a drink.

I watched her silently for a minute, leaning up against the door frame. I had to admit, she was very pretty for someone of her age. I could hardly believe she was only 16. She had so many tattoos.......especially....that One.

Anger came to me again and I bit my lip, hard. How could something like this happen? The real question was how could I let this happen? I vowed never to go back to my past as did Harry, but he was too naive to see who she actually was.

Once I got a glance of her tattoo on her right arm on the plane, I had a mental note to not let her be alone with any of the boys individually. Harry didn't realize what a threat she was to me, him, and everyone else. I only hope I'm wrong about who put her up to this.......

I didn't like to think much about the mistakes I had made and the people I had hurt because it was in my past. I don't look at the past anymore. I look towards the future, hoping it would be brighter than my dark past.

But, now that she's here, it serves as a constant reminder to me of my ultimate screw up. Which, makes me even angrier once I think about it.

The boys had noticed my change in disposition since she had arrived and since Louis had met her. I wouldn't tell them the real reason until it was absolutely necessary. I would like to think I could handle things on my own.

The boys had kept a distance with me in the last few days, probably suspecting I was just irritable and wanted to be left alone, like usual. That was far from the case, on stage I was fine, because it was kind of like my safe place, as odd as it sounds. But when I was around her, I just felt vulnerable.

I didn't like being vulnerable and people seeing me when I'm down.

"Zayn?" I heard Erin's voice snap me to attention. She had turned to me, her eyes slightly scared, or I rose my eyebrows, walking into the kitchen and getting myself a glass of water.

"What are you doing up?" I snapped, turning back to her. She looked startled and scared as she swallowed, trying to compose herself as she wiped her wet eyes.

"Oh.....nothing....I'm sorry....I...couldn't sleep." She stammered. My eyes softened slightly as a tear rolled down half of her cheek before she caught it quickly. I frowned deeply, and she looked down, playing with something on her lap. When she did that, looked down, I noticed something familiar about her. Then, I remembered, I had seen her before.....

"Are you okay?" I sighed. Hey, I'm not a jerk....okay? Well, sometimes..... but I still scared about people's feelings, no matter how much I didn't want to.

"I'm fine." She replied curtly. I was just about to ask another question when I realized what she was reading. My eyes widened and I felt my anger peak.

"What are you doing with Harry's book?!" I growled angrily. She looked down at it and swallowed.

"It was sitting here and I just......" she trailed, but I crossed the small room in less than two strides, slamming the book shut.

"You just...?" I growled, grabbing the book from out of her hands. Wait, grabbing isn't accurate. I ripped it from her grasp. I'm surprised the fragile thing didn't break. "You listen to me. The other boys may 'trust' you, and think you mean no harm, but I know better than that. You and I both know you are sketchier than a door to door vacuum salesman...... Stay away from my friends. " I growled. She surprised me by smiling, laughing, and glancing at the book in my arms.

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