cheap cigarettes go well with tuxedos-44

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-Song of the chapter is 'Simple Romance' by COIN


       I finally felt alive.

After Cora and I had cleaned up, I hurried back over to Harry's arms, practically jumping on him in the process. My head was reeling and I had much more energy than I had before.

"Wow, where'd this energy come from?" He questioned with a heavenly laugh.  I pressed my lips to his urgently, catching him off guard and making him stumble backward. His lips were so soft on mine I barely felt them as his hand slowly slid to my waist.

      "Get a room!" Louis yelled from next to us, making Harry smile into our kisses. I rose my middle finger to him with my right hand, making sure to keep my left one on Harry's cheek, pulling him closer.

      He finally pulled away, my lips following his for more, but he stopped me before I could get any closer. "What's so urgent?" He gasped out, I only smiled at him, stroking the side of his face.

"You're so pretty," I got out, my lips felt all heavy, but light at the same time. He only laughed at me before I suddenly felt someone pulling me away from him.

I whined at whoever it was, but I looked over to see Cora, her hand tightly in mine as she pulled me from Harry.

"There's someone here to see you. He asked for you specifically. He...he looks kinda sketchy Erin. I don't know if I'd...." she trailed, but I didn't hear the rest because of my initial shock.

Standing in the corner of the room was a tall, dark figure. His shoulders were broad and strong, tattoos covered by the sleeves of his suit coat.

I swallowed, my throat completely dry all of the sudden. He gave me a quizzical look, waving me over. I looked between him and Harry, unsure of what to do, before I started off towards him instead of Harry, telling Cora to tell him that I wanted to go talk to an old friend.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I hissed through my teeth, my hands beginning to shake nervously.

      He let out a menacing laugh and only shook his head. "Oh Erin, you seriously didn't think that I'd let you do this all alone...did you?" He whispered, pulling me around the corner of the wall. We were concealed in the dark shadow of the staircase and I stepped closer to him, his brown eyes practically glowing at me in the dark.

"If they see you, they'll know everything. How could you ruin this for me? They both know what you look like. Zayn's looking for any excuse to get rid of me and-" I rambled, but I was cut off when his hand slowly slid over my mouth, his soft fingers caressing my lips.

"Oh Kai, thank you for come helping me. I love you so much," he mimicked in a high voice, clearly meaning it to be me. I rolled my eyes and slowly removed his hand from my lips.

"That doesn't sound anything like me,"

"I know it doesn''d never say you loved anyone," he shot back, pulling me closer to him before putting his lips on mine. I tried to pull away from him, the unpleasant taste of his cigarettes on his lips.

"I remember when these lips were all mine," he whispered as he pulled away, gently brushing my hair away from my face and letting his fingers trail down it. For some reason, this seemed so out of character for him, like he was a completely different person than I knew.

"Why're you here?" I squeaked, licking my lips that were now free from his.

"I wanted to make sure you're doing what you're supposed to be doing. You haven't been answering my calls and that is inexcusable," he said, his voice suddenly turning hard.

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