New feeling- 18

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I pulled off the road slowly and pulled on the side of it, Erin giving me an exasperated look as I did so like I was going to go into the ditch.
"What are we doing?" She asked in amusement, staring at me with an accusing gaze probably wondering why the heck I brought her out to the middle of nowhere. I sighed, rolling my eyes gently. Her hair was sticking up slightly in a frizzy, flawed yet beautiful way, drawing my attention to it. Unusually, she put her hand up to her head and smoothed it down like she was insecure, which made me smile.

"We're here." I announced happily, watching her expression. She looked disappointed.

"By here do you mean the middle of nowhere, cause I'm pretty sure that's where we're at Harold." She said sarcastically, looking totally and utterly unimpressed with me. I only smiled to hide my nerves, trying to push them down so she wouldn't see them. "Please tell me you did not run out of gas, because a guy did that to me one time and I have to tell you it did not turn out-"

"I didn't run out of gas Erin. And by the way, how did you know my real name was Harold?" I asked and she rolled her eyes, flicking a long piece of black hair from her eyes and pushing it over her shoulder like she did so often.

"Harry is a nickname for Harold, it's really common knowledge Harry, keep up!" She exclaimed, flashing her wicked smile and snapping her fingers in front of my eyes in a funny motion. I rolled my eyes and laughed, shaking my head as I got out of the car, slamming it behind me and watching as she got out of the car before I could come open the door for her.

"I could've gotten that for you." I said as I led her down hill, the grass brushing gently against my legs as I walked, watching her as her long hair slid from her neck and fell behind her. She only shook her head, looking annoyed.

"Chill out Curly Top. We don't really do the whole 'open the car door for the lady' thing." She sighed, sounding tired as we walked down a steep slope that I knew so well. Her footing faltered slightly, so I grabbed her waist to prevent her from falling. She looked at me gratefully and I gently moved my hand from her waist to her hand, my cheeks burning in embarrassment.

"Curly Top? Isn't that like a Shirley Temple movie or something?!" I asked, sure I had heard the expression so many times before.

"Yep!" She exclaimed, popping the 'p'. I groaned, slightly annoyed at the thought of having yet another unwanted nickname. She already called me curly, the boys called me Hazza, Haz, and H, and Louis called me Harry bear. Did I really need anymore? I certainly didn't think so.

"I do not need any more nicknames Erin, I've already got a zillion."

"If you can count to a zillion then I won't start calling you Shirley, if you can't well, I guess it's inevitable then....." she trailed with a laugh, knowing very well that I wouldn't want to count to a zillion, or know how to, for that matter. I groaned again, shaking my head as we continued to walk down the slightly sloping hill, covered with grass swaying in the breeze.

I was thankful for her practical choice of shoes, as high heels would not have worked for this terrain. And besides, heels looked like methods of torture to girls...I would hate to feel what it would be like to wear them.....

" much longer?" Erin whined. I only shook my head gently, rolling my eyes at her as she drug her feet intentionally.  We had only been walking for 2 minutes....

"Only a few minutes I would say."

"Give me a ride!" She suggested, jumping on my back before I had the time to say no. I sighed and grabbed underneath her legs, holding onto her tightly so she wouldn't fall.

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