Meeting him chp.1

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~Sun's POV~

Just finished my first battle with Hau and I won with my Litten, somehow I beated Hau's Popplio...I just don't get it.I heard the bushes moving... And I'm pretty sure bushes don't move.Im guessing its either a Pokémon or a person"Sun you did great on your first Pokémon battle!"Professor Kukui said and I nodded while Lillie keep on saying"Nebby get in the bag!"whenever I looked her way..."Hey Lillie do you need help?"asked Hau"No,I'm fine."she said and Hau runs off somewhere must be starting his adventure early... Guess I'll go too"Hey Sun,where are you going?"I heard Lillie asked me from behind"I'm going to start my journey"I answered her question"I'll come with you later I gotta get something."she said and I nodded walking out of Iki Town..

~(Y/n)'s POV~

Dude I just saw my brother,Sun...Great!I have to deal with him here too!Ugh why can't I go stealing Pokémon in peace!*goes out of Iki town too*Gosh...I hope I don't have to run into him.*looks around just in case*Okay good I guess I can stay here for now...*continues walking until she bumps into somebody*Gosh who did that."Ouch..."I said and looked up to see a platinum blonde hair boy with green emerald eyes and black clothing."Hey, watch where you're going."he rudely spoke to me and puts his hand out,I took his hand and got pulled up too hard and fell into his chest*blushes a little and backed off*Oh my gosh I landed in his chest!"I-I'm sorry!"I apologize its not likely of me to get all flushed and apologize to someone while stuttering... Who is he?"Tch!Make sure to look where you're going next time."he said and walked away.Man I didn't get his name...wait why do I want his name so badly!? He just a guy I ran into,that's all...

~Gladion's POV~

Who was that girl I bumped into she seems different from all the other girls I meant...her (H/l) (H/c) hair waving behind her like an angel-...Wait! Hold it I just meant the girl and now I'm complimenting her hair...just great, when did I get so low.I'll try and avoids her from now on,*walks to Po Town and see Hau*I'll challenge him"Battle me.I won't take no for an answer."I said while throwing out Zubat and he threw out a Popplio

~After the battle cause I can't write battles scenes~

Not the strong type I see...*sees Sun coming up to them*Hm look what I have here another trainer and actually this time he looks strong"Hey Sun!"said that boy so his name is Sun"Hey Hau."Sun said while that boy Hau I think ran Sun's way and said something to Sun"Hey battle me.I won't take no for an answer."I said again its probably my catch phrase now...I send out Zubat while he sends out a Litten.

~After the battle again~

H-how did I loss to him!?"Tch!I gotta get better."I said and walked away to the Battle Royal and start training there.

~(Y/n)'s POV~

Sun beat him...interesting I'll go to the tall grass to catch me some Pokémon then I'll go to the Battle Royal to beat some brats butt.Whew gosh after catching that Alolan Raichu was tiring because I didn't train up Rowlet and this is route five we're talking about,if you're not prepare then get ready to get hurt...*pets Rowlet*I wish I knew his name..."Hey I'm Hau!Who are you?"I turned around to see that kid from earlier,this time with Sun lazily following behind him"I'm (Y/n)..."I said hopefully Sun didn't here that."Well nice to meet you (Y/n)!"he cheered great now I'm pretty sure Sun surely heard that...just not my day today isn't it cause freaking Sun turned my direction and looked at me with a surprised face"W-well I better was nice meeting you."I try and say it nicely kinda worked.Welp I just hope-...*someone grabs her hand*No no no no!!Please don't be what I think it is...*turns around to see Sun*Great..."(Y/n) is that really you??"Sun asked me and I nodded looking away"Why are you here!?"he said angrily"None of your business."I irritatedly said and I think I made him mad a little cause he had that kind of face on"Well then... see you never brother!"I said and was an inch close to getting up, but got pull down...damn you Sun.He pulled me into a hug...what the heck!"(Y/n) you don't even know how me and mom were worry about you!"he yelled"And...?"I replied back"You don't seem to care do you?😐"he questioned"Of course I don't care."I said with a blank impression"I knew it, well I just wanted to tell you that."he said plainly he changed very much...he use to be that typically boy who would not give up on silly or important stuff."By the way sis."he suddenly spoke again"What now?"I said annoyed"Thanks, if you need anyone to come to... come to your big brother."he said smiling... Welp I guess he didn't change because he started chasing me so he can have one more hug"NOOO!!NOPE!!BROTHER GET AWAY FROM ME!!"I screamed and he stopped"*sigh*Why can't I get a hug from my little sister..."he said whimpering and that made me have a ticked off mark on my head...this boy is playing with me again this is why I didn't want to get near him again.I don't know how mom handles him,"I gotta leave."I lied"Well bye sis!!I hope we meet again!"he waved at me and I waved back...Wait!I don't wave back,what the heck happen!?"Sun!You didn't tell me you had a sister!!"I heard Hau said as I ran to the Battle Royal.

Author-That's it for chapter one!Sorry it was long...

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