Cute moment chp.10

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~(Y/n)'s POV~

Once I woke up from that long nap I notices that Gladion was still sleeping.I got off of him just in case he had trouble sleeping because of me,and that he might wake up and find me on him.*Gets change and brush her teeth*That was refreshing!Also Lillie came in the room again..."Oh (Y/n) you're I was gonna take a picture too."Lillie admitted and I see her holding a camera..."Anyways I came here for another reason!"she chirped"What is that?"I asked"I want me,you,and Moon to have a girls night together no boys!"she exclaimed"Sure,why not!"I agreed and she smiles"Oh and we're playing truth or dare and a lot of other fun games!"she said while walking out the door... If we are playing truth or dare I am gonna give Lillie and Moon some of the worst dares in their life!!Ahem,getting ahead of myself there...I notice that Gladion was waking up"Good morning!"I said"Morning."he plainly reply and went to get his clothes and brush his in teeth in the bathroom of course."Gladion... Behave try not to kill my brother or Hau...okay?"I asked him"I can't promise you that."he said while sitting on the couch watching TV,I sighed"Or else...I'm taking Null with me,plus it seems to me that he likes me more than  you."I threatened him"Still not doing it."he said he is so lucky I freaking love him or I would have already kicked him to the damm wall!!Should I just try and make him nervous...cause when he is nervous he tends to follow my orders for some reason.*Goes to the couch and pushes Gladion down and landed where he was sleeping and got on top of him*Wahh!!!I'm so nervous!!!I thought it was gonna be him.."Wha-what are you doing!?"he asked nervously so he was nervous"I'm gonna ask you again Glady,can you try and not kill the other boys?Please?"I smiled very sweetly and I see that he is blushing"I-I...umm."he try to speak but no words came out.I'm trying my best not to blush right now it'd quite hard since I'm so close to him and his adorable face is just perfect!"S-sure"he said blushing redder and I leaned in and gave him a kiss on the cheek"Thanks!Me,Lillie,and Moon are gonna be having a girls night out.. So if you boys can handle yourself then we will give you a reward."I said totally making that up by myself... I know Lillie would never think of this idea so just being the friend I am,I'm gonna tell her that the boys will need a reward!

~Gladion's POV~

(Y/n) just kissed me on my cheek... I swear if someone sees us like this then I'm pretty much screw. It was nice to see her smile once in a while... I mean its not that I like her or anything its just that I really like her smile its pretty and cute... Like her.WAIT!No no no!Stop it Gladion she's your rival that's all..."C-can you get off of me?"I stuttered while asking her and she nodded getting off of me and running to her bag of clothes and getting them ready for the night out with the other girls.

Author-I just wanted to write a cute moment between Reader-chan and there hope you guys like chapter 10!

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