Boy's night out chp.11

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~Moon's POV~

Lillie just told me that the girls are gonna have a sleepover or girl night out. Sun woked up and is now showering hope he doesn't come out without a shirt again... When Sun came out he actually have the shirt on,good I could have fainted right on the spot too."I heard that you're going to a sleepover."Sun mentioned and I nodded... He smile and it was pretty cute!"Have fun!I guess I'll hangout with Hau and Gladion."he said and I nodded again"Also,Do not try and kill Gladion okay?"I asked him and he sigh,but nodded"Great!Cause if you did (Y/n) would be very sad to lose her boyfriend."I said and Sun looked at me with shocked face and soon later on turned into anger"WHAT!!!(Y/n) HAS A BOYFRIEND AND DIDN'T TELL ME!!??"he yelled"I don't really know,but that what I assumed since they always do everything together and stuff... When I walked in to see if (Y/n) was finish with her trial and went back to her room,I saw her laying on Gladion they were both sleeping too."I said and Sun's head had steam coming out...wonder why?

~Sun's POV~

Moon just told me that my little sister was laying on that punk!!Well then I guess I have to kill him after all!!"Sun do not plan on killing Gladion."Moon some how read my mind"H-how did you know that-..."she cutted me off"I can see your murderous face."she said"Oh."I dumbly said"Well I gotta go to the girls right now."she said and left with her packed bag...NOOOO!!!why would you leave me with Hau and Gladion,I just want to spend time with you.I frowned as she leaves the room and I guess I'll head to Gladion and (Y/n)'s room,I think that's where the boys are meeting up.When I was walking down to the room I saw (Y/n) walking out the door with her bag"Hey (Y/n)!"I cheered"Hi Sun."she said"Are you going with the girls?"I asked her and she nodded while excusing herself to Lillie and Hau's room.When I opened the door I saw Gladion having a sad face on until he notices me"Oh right I forgot we're hanging out until the girls get back."he plainly said and then Hau bursted into the room"Hello Sun and Gladion!!"he chirped"Hi."I said"Tch!You better not be doing inappropriate things to my sister!"Gladion screamed across the room and Hau had sweat dripping off his face" nothing at all."he sweat dropped more and Glafion gave him a death glare."I don't buy that,but I promise (Y/n) not to kill either of you and I'm planning to keep that promise."he sighed he actually made a promise with (Y/n)!?Well that's the first...

~Hau's POV~

Whew!I almost got glad he made a promise to (Y/n) or else I would have say good bye to precious Lillie."So what are we gonna do?"I asked"How about truth or dare?"Sun suggested"I'll play."agreed Gladion and I nodded excitedly "Gladion,Truth or Dare?"I asked"Truth."he said"Who do you like? I asked...

Author-YAY!!Cliffy is back!!Hope you guys like this chapter!

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