Reunion chp.25

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Author- Hello there!!!This is the last chapter for this book!If you guys would like me to write a sequel then I'll try,so comment if you want it. Anyways...Sorry if the book was short.

~(Y/n)'s POV~

Once I heard those words came out of the person's mouth...I knew it was him.Gladion. He came to see me..?"G-gladion..."I spoke up"What is it (Y/n)?Are you maybe perhaps not happy to see your boyfriend?"he asked with a smirk."N-no!Thats n-not it!!Its just that I didnt think you would know where I would be..."I reply while blushing a little."Your name is mention around the Islands couple of times.Did you not know that Prince-..."someone knocks him over and ran towards (Y/n)."(Y/N)!!!!!Its so good to see you!!"someone squeezed me in a very tight hug,when they finally pulled back I saw a young man with dark green hair with a little brown in it and gray eyes were looking at me excitedly."H-hau?"I said and he nodded vigorously"Sorry I couldn't visit you!I had a lot of work to do as a Kahuna and every single time I tried to leave,a new challenger alway comes up to me!"he yelled and pouted and cross his arms.Where's Lillie when you need her for emergency like this one...*pulls out a Malasada and gave it to him*Hope he likes it Lillie sended me these about a day ago, they should be fresh I did microwave them...even told Nurse Joy to check on them too."(Y/n) did you make these?"he said while chowing down on them"No,Lillie made them..."I said nervously, sweat dropping a little.He and Gladion just look at me really confuse and curious at the same time.I knew I should've kept it shut...*looks at them*Ohh....shoot..."Hehe...I'll be going now."I said as I sprint past Gladion and down the stairs far enough so I can make an escape."Charizard!!Come on out!"I summoned Charizard and it landed right next to me.As I got on I saw Gladion ran down the steps and was about to reach my foot until Charizard flew away to the docks.Lillie inform me and Moon that she'll be returning today,around the afternoon.

~Nobody's POV~

A lovely young lady with beautiful long blond hair and gorgeous emerald eyes steps out of the boat that just arrived in Alola.Maybe she was looking for someone?She was looking around the sky and around her."I wonder if she'll be here early or not..."asked the young lady"LILLIE!!!!!!!"well dang who was screaming?My ears are bleeding already!Oh look like the Alola Champion went and greeted an old friend...oh look!Another one arrived on a Lapras..."(Y/N)!!!!!!!MOON!!!"she screamed as both of her friends came up and hugged her.

~Moon's POV~

As I pulled back from the hug with Lillie and (Y/n) I felt arms around my waist."Sun.Stop it.I'm greeting Lillie."I said very seriously.

~(Y/n)'s POV~

I turned around to find my brother Sun pouting at Moon.He changed alot well kinda...His hair looks the same as always,and he changed style in clothing for sure."So was the adventure with my dear brother?"I asked smirking to myself and I see a little tint of blush on her face"Wah-!What a-are you talking a-about?"she said embarrassed "Oh...wait...WHAT!!!Sun you haven't told her yet!?"I yelled at him and he chickened out and looked away from me"N-not yet (Y-Y/n)..."he said blushing"Is it about the 6 year  anniversary date?"Lillie whisper/asked to me and I nodded."Tell me what?"asked a confuse Moon"Oh nothing!!"Lillie said waving it off and continues to walk to Hau's place or where you first get your Pokemons.

~Lillie's POV~

Once I got to Hau's place I thought it would be the same, but surprisingly it was really different... I see he added a Malasada shops next to his house....*sweats drop*.I went inside expecting to see him only in there but I saw him with my brother Gladion"Hau,Big b-brother....Hello."I greeted them very nervously"L-lillie!?"I heard Hau yelled and got up.As I looked up I got attacked by hugs from Hau.

~(Y/n)'s POV~

*Looks over at Gladion and sees that he was looking at you*I thought he would be happy to see Lillie..."S-so Gladion...Lillie c-came back.Why d-don't you go greet h-her?"I said very nervously... As he started walking towards me I backed up and hit a freaking wall!Damn it!!"(Y/n) that wasn't very nice of you to...not tell me..."he said looking down at me with a smirk."I don't want a punishment!!"I yelled and tried to run to Lillie sadly it failed."Oh no you don't...*starts raising his hands up and........... starts tickling her*As I said anything you keep from me will be punish..."he said as he keeps on tickling my stomach sides"AHAHAH!!!!G-GLADION!!!STOP!!!BWAHAHHA!!!!"I started to cry tears of ticklishments and try and swat his hands away.When he finally stops he looks at me with a grin"You do look cute while you're on bottom..."he said kinda preventedly and"HEY!!!YOU FREAKING PERVERT!!! GET AWAY FROM MY SISTER!!!!"Sun yelled and threw a bunch of furnitures at him as he picks up me and starts ninjaly dodging all of them with me in his arms... When did he gets so strong?And he still smells good!

~After all of that dodging and throwing...They finally went outside to celebrate Lillie's return and of course we couldn't forget about Sun and Moon's 6th Anniversary ~

~Moon's POV~

I can't believe I forgot about our 6th Anniversary... I'm glad he reminded me.Anyways..I remember Hau carrying a black box with him everywhere he goes... WAIT!!Is that?Perhaps a proposal? I must inform my fellow shippers about this!*runs through the crowd to find (Y/n)*Where is this girl!?"Moon?"I heard her voice behind me,I turned around to see that she's blushing a little."(Y/n)!I need to tell you something!!"I immediately grabbed her wrist and dragged her all the way outdside the party."So what is it Moon?"she asked"Well you know how Hau carries around a black box with him?"I began" looks perfect to fit a...."she paused"A RING!!"we both said and begins to run back to the party and fangirled."If Hau's planning to propose to Lillie then that means...he will be Gladion's Brother-in-law!!"I started"And if Gladion propose to me then that means...he will be related to Sun!"she said"And if Sun propose to me then that means all the guys are Brothers-in-law!!And we're related as well!!"I said excitedly"Its a whole big family!!And we all get along perfectly fine!"she said cheerfully*doesn't see a war going on between Gladion, Sun, and Hau throwing furnitures again*

~When the party is almost at a closing~

~Hau's POV~

Okay!I finally got Gladion's permission to propose to Lillie!!Oh thank Arceus!!*walks in front of Lillie*Okay started it off cooly..."Lillie!How do you like the party so far?"I asked"Its really awesome! Thank you!!"she said and hugged me as I blush a little l, I broke the hug...sadly."L-lillie...I wanted to ask you this since you left Alola...and I also got your brother's permission...*breathes out and in* Will you be my wife!???"I asked with one knee down and opening the box to find a diamond ring inside...

~(Y/n)'s POV~

OH MY ARCEUS!!!!They're so cute!!!!!"Kya!!!!So cute!I could have a nosebleed!!"I fangirled while Moon blushing a little while holding Sun's hand."Great... Now I'm his brother-in-law..."I heard Gladion said as he sighed and wrapped his arms around my waist as he rested his chin on my head"They're really cute together...They'll make great babies!!"I said happily"(Y/n) you never change...I'll say they do look cute...but not as cute as us..."he said in a very romantic kind of way...when did he learn how to be romantic anyways?"Where did you learn to flirt Mister?"I asked teasingly"Oh got it from the old man..."he replied"You mean Guzma?"I asked and he nodded...I never knew Guzma would be the type to know how to flirt.

~Lillie's POV~

I never knew he would propose to me like this...*starts to cry*No one had made me happier than he did..."L-lillie?Did I make y-you cry?"he asked worryingly and I snooker my head.As I looked up at him I told him my answer: Yes!A million times yes!!!I'll be your bride!!

~Nobody's POV~

Fireworks started to fire off into the sky that made the shape of a heart for the two new Lovers or you people would say Fiancés...

~Some years has past~

All of them did get married.So basically Moon and (Y/n)'s predictions were accurate. The boys still fights like little kids...and speaking of little kids they all had one of each genders...And they all had a very happy ending to their story...And it will go on and on as the world knows it as 3 shippers with an Edgelord,a Malasada Lover,and the Overprotective Big Brother...

~The End~

Author-And....!!!DONE!!!Finish with this book!I am very happy about how my very first book turned out!!Well hope you guys enjoy this story!I'll be working on my next book and still read more to find good info for my books!!

~ August 4th ~

About the new book that I'm writing up there 👆. I dont think I'll be writing it anymore. Is because I've been very busy and school is almost here for me.I might write another book if I do have free time but its probably not gonna be about the Anime Magi:The Kingdom of Magic or Magi:The Labyrinth of Magic.

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