Overprotective brothers chp.3

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~(Y/n)'s POV~

Breath out and in (Y/n)...gosh why is he so close to me."HEY!GET AWAY FROM MY SISTER!!"I heard someone said...its obviously Sun with his overprotective side showing.Gladion looks at Sun with a a glare and suddenly hugged me...and of course here it comes again,behold the majestic blush of the damn year has blessed us with its presence!Geez why can't I just train my Pokémon in peace... And I see that Sun is having one of those murdering face on,saying"Touch.Her.One.More.Time.And.See.What.Happens."I see Hau trying to stop Sun,but of course it never works."Sun!Dude...never seen this side of you before."Hau said and I saw someone running up to them...its Lillie."What happen to him Hau?"asked Lillie and then Hau just straight up hugs Lillie in a protective way and I see that Gladion got pissed off."Don't sorry Lillie I'll protect you from these two boys,who are obviously insane!"Hau said protectively"Don't.Touch.My.Sister."I heard Gladion said walking to Hau and Lillie...while Sun is running to me."Are you alright?Did he hurt you?Did he kiss you cause if he did I swear-..."I stop him from finishing his sentence by putting a finger to his mouth telling him to shush."Yes I'm alright.No he didn't do anything to me.No he didn't kiss me either. Happy?"I said and Sun nodded crushing me with a lots of hugs...

~Lillie's POV~

H-hau is hugging me protectively... He is kinda cute when he has a protective face on."No!I'm protecting her from you two!"he said while pointing to Gladion and Sun over there hugging (Y/n) to death.*giggles*It was so funny to watch the two brothers fighting to keep their sisters safe..."What are you laughing at Lillie?"Gladion asked coldly"Oh nothing."I reassure him gosh sometimes Gladion can be a pain in the butt.

~Sun's POV~

How dare he touch my sister!It was unforgivable... First he touched her and hugged her!Only her big brother can do that!She is not allow to have a boyfriend until she is 18!"Sun you're acting like a baby."(Y/n) suddenly said "I'm just protecting my sister from that boy."I said and she shooked her head in disappointment and sigh"Sun I'm not dating Gladion."she cleared it up for me"But-..."she cuts me off again"No buts!"she said and walked over to Lillie...so I followed.

~Lillie's POV~

"So Lillie... Do you like Hau?"I heard (Y/n) whisper into my ears and I blushed"N-no why would yo-you think that..?"I whisper back while turning my head to her direction and she smirked"I can always help out with relationship problem."she said confidently"B-but I don't like him."I said"Sure... Keep telling yourself that."she said sarcasticly"Hey what are you girls talking about?"I heard Hau said behind me"Lillie here has something-..."I cutted her off"N-nothing at all!"I said and glared at (Y/n) and she laughs it off like no big deal."Hey guys! Glad I ran into y'all!"I heard someone said...

Author-Hope you like this one!

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