Disguises chp.6

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Author-Quick note guys...HAPPY NEW YEARS PEOPLE!!!

~Time skip to morning...brought to you by the new year 2017!~

~Sun's POV~

I opened my eyes to see myself sleeping on Moon...I WAS SLEEPING ON MOON!!I am so glad Lillie or (Y/n) is not here right now...even though (Y/n) is kinda evil she still ships people,that's why her and Lillie are best friends... Right?I'm just gonna go take a quick shower...*gets off the bed and grab his clothes...and gets in the shower*

~Moon's POV~

Ugh...I was sleeping in a very uncomfortable way.WAIT!Where is Sun??*looks around*Gosh this is why I should've slept earlier...*mentally slapped herself*

~Sun's POV~

Whew!That shower was so refreshing*shake off some of the water in his hair*!Wait I forgot my shirt!*walks out the door and have the towel on his private part,sees Moon*My brain can't process anything right now..."S-sun!You c-could have at-atleast put on a s-shirt!"Moon said blushing and runs to the bed and cover herself with the blanket*sigh*She can get so nervous sometimes"Um...I forgot my shirt."I said and quickly grab my shirt and ran to the bathroom*breath out and in*Moon saw me half naked...*blushes*I can not tell this to (Y/n) or Lillie...they will probably fangirl to each other.*puts don't the shirt and walks out*I have a shirt on this time...Moon shouldn't get nervous"Moon I have a shirt on,you can get out of the blanket."I informed her and she peaks her head out cutely..."Good.I was gonna tell (Y/n) to get you."she said why in the world would you get (Y/n) I'm telling you straight from experience... Don't mess with (Y/n) she will not hesitate to hurt you."Y-you didn't have to...plus (Y/n) must be sleeping still,don't disturb her."I sweat dropped and sigh"Well I'll go take a shower too."she said and got all of her stuff, not forgetting a single item.

~Lillie's POV~

*yawns*Last night was tiring...having to catch Nebby while it ran around the room for about two hours and I am not the type of person to run around.When Hau is sleeping...is kinda cute to see him sleeping.*plays with his hair*Its so soft!

~Hau's POV~

I feel someone playing with my hair...must be Lillie."Lillie it's cute when you're playing with my hair."I said while opening one eye and she blushed"I-I...mmm."she stuttered cutely...man if only Gladion wasn't the protective brother type then I could have been dating Lillie by now,but as we all know... I personally don't want to get kill.

~Time skip to when everyone is awake and Moon is done showering... Brought to you by the purr-fect Gladion~

~(Y/n)'s POV~

I need to get out of here... Gotta get back to Guzma before he sent out his little punks."Well I have to go to an Island Trial."I said and immediately ran to Po Town,gosh its gonna take a while.I'm here and I need to start working on to defeat these trainers..."Yo!Its your boi Guzma!As to day on you peeps need to defeat all those pathetic trainers out there!"he said and walks back to his room I was already planning to do that...thanks for the permission Guzma.Just in case I ran into Lillie and the others... What time is it??Its Disguise time!!I'll just put on a (W/c...wig color) wig and some team Skull's clothes... And I should be fine.(she looks like the girl grunt but she an admin,but she doesn't have the mask and has the white makeup like Plumeria)*walks out of her room looking badass*Gosh this my first time I worn a wig...hope it looks good on me."Guzma I'm going ahead."I informed him"Yea...sure."he answered,Hope that I don't run into Sun or Lillie...that will be bad.*looks around*Well speak of the damn devil!They're right there!Great...just great!"Hey you!You're apart of team Skull right!?"Sun shouted"What If I am."I said mockingly"You team Skull's member keep stealing others people's Pokémon that's not nice!"Lillie yelled"Nice its not a word in our dictionaries little girl."I said plainly"Battle me!I'll teach you a lesson not to mess with people!"Sun declared, geez so loud and its night time too..."Alright...you asked for it.Don't come crying to your little mommy once I defeated you kid."I said"Shut up!You have no rights to talk about my mother!"he yelled"Tch!Whatever let's battle kid."I reminded him...its so funny how I call him kid even though he's older than me!Gosh I'm laughing way too much it might come out...I sent out my Alolan Raichu and Sun sent out his Torracat.

~Time skip to after the battle... Cause I can't do battle scene... Poor me~

Tch!I lost to my own brother!"I putted you in your place!"he cheered with pride and confidence, stupid!"Who are you?"I heard someone said

Author-Another cliffy!Enjoy peeps!

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