Captured chp.21

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~Lillie's POV~

I watched (Y/n) sitting on the floor crying and I couldn't do anything to help.Until the Pokémon Center door opened revealing Guzma!He smirked when he saw (Y/n) crying and Hau up against a wall."Hey,It's your boi Guzma!"he said with a grin"Plumeria get the girls!The Lady Boss wants them right now!"Plumeria went up to (Y/n) and knock out her and went over to me and...I blacked out.

~Gladion's POV~

What the heck did that lady think she is doing carrying my girl,my sister and Moon!"HEY DON'T TOUCH MY SISTER!!"Sun yelled at her"Oops,I already did."she said with a smirk and left with Guzma.Sun looked down and his face was covered by a shadow,Hau was slowly getting up and walking over to Sun."Hey, Hau are you alright?"I asked walking over to them, since I know Lillie will be worried about Hau might so ask him for her.He nodded and Sun slowly got up and gripped his fist and punched at the wall next to him"Damn Guzma!"he said still punching the wall,I saw blood coming out of his fist and stopped him"Dude,enough...Moon wouldn't want to look at you like this."I said and let go of his hand and he stopped"Gladion,do you have any clue where they would took the girls?"Hau asked"The Aether Foundation."I said since I heard Guzma said "The Lady Boss",seriously I'm not that stupid I knew he was talking about Lusamine from the start. Damn my mother! Kidnapping my girl,my sister,and Moon!Just for her "Beautiful,Frozen collection" she always liked girls more than boys,so I'm pretty sure she'll froze (Y/n),Lillie,and Moon up and probably take them with her to the Ultra Beast World!Like I'm not gonna have anything to say about it!"Gladion...why to you think they're in The Aether Foundation?"asked Hau "I'll tell you when we arrive there."I said and went straight to the docks.Once Hau finally catched up he was already panting, I mean come on it was just a 20 minutes walk...well me and Sun ran.I saw a boat coming our way"Try not to cause trouble,before we get caught."I warned them"Why?"Sun asked"Yeah,Why?"Hau agreed"Because... The Aether Foundation is not as you think it was."I sighed and got on the boat.

~(Y/n)'s POV~

Where the heck did Guzma took me and the girls!?Damn these chains on my wrist!"(Y-Y/n)...are you alright?"I heard Moon asked"Yeah,I'm fine...what about y'all?"I asked"I'm fine,but I don't know about Lillie..."Moon said worried.Me and Moon figured out that Lillie mother was the President of The Aether Foundation... I had a small hutch that the would be related"I-I'm f-fine..."she stuttered with a weak smile"Well, well, well...look who's awake!"someone barked at us.

Author-Hope you enjoy this chapter! I'm writing this in the movie theater,since I'm getting drag to watch a horror movie... I hate gives me nightmares!

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