Confession chp.12

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~Gladion's POV~

Hau just asked me who do I like?Like heck am I gonna tell him..."You have to tell us...or else I'll tell (Y/n) that you never liked her and you want nothing to do with her."Sun said giving me a cold glare and I gave him a death glare in return he just looked away...I sighed"Fine...I-its-..."I got cutted off by the door slamming open to reveal the girls standing there"Gladion!"I heard (Y/n) said and she tackle me with hugs"Y-you should have saved me from these horrible people... T-they try to get me to where a maid costume."she cries but thinking of her in a maid costume seems pretty cute...since she is a pretty cute girl herself.I saw Sun glaring at me"Gladion get away from my sister!!"he yelled while Moon keeps trying to stop his angerness,you can't stop that boy when he is angery."S-Sun stop it!!People are gonna think we're disturbing this motel...keep your voice down too."she said and Sun mentally gave me a sharp look before sitting back down.

~ Still Gladion's POV~

"So Gladion about your Truth... Are you gonna continue or what?"asked that little boy who's taking a liking to my sister... I think his name was Hau*thinking sarcasticly*."I'm skipping that... Sun,Truth or Dare punk."I said and Sun literally was about to kick me in the face,but Moon somehow held him back..."Dare me punk."he shotted back"I Dare you to kiss your crush..."I said plain and simple,we're probably playing the basic version.""he stuttered and turns around Moon while Lillie and (Y/n) took out their camera and took a lot of pictures from various directions.When Sun kissed Moon... I was kinda laughing at how red both if their faces were,even (Y/n) laughed.

~Moon's POV~

Sun liked me back!!I'm so happy right now,but at the same time he probably just chosed me to kiss because I,was his best friend and he probably didn't like anybody."M-moon...I don't know if you'll accept my confession,but would you please be my girlfriend?"he asked and I nodded crying tears of joy and he was smirking now... That doesn't look good at all"Now...I can finally hug you in bed!!"he cheered and I sighed of course he would say that.Well at least I get to hug him back with no regrets!"Well then,our first night as boyfriend and girlfriend!!I want to cuddle!"Sun said while picking me up and flung me over his shoulder and now resting on my boyfriend's shoulder"WAH!!S-Sun!"I said and he laughs it off... When we make it there he putted me in the bed and cuddle  we both fell asleep...

Author-Sorry its kinda a sort chapter... I'm writing this at 10 something and I'm pretty tired.Hope you guys like this half-short chapter!

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