{Requested} "Fun time" with an Edgelord part 2

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Author-Since you guys wanted a part 2 here it is!Beware of Lemons ahead.This is my first time writing a Lemon,bare with me.

~(Y/n)'s POV~

Its been a week since that incident happen,and I miss him.I walked back and forth in front of my Champion's throne,my Pokémons just looked at me weirdly.Golisopod walked up to me and held my hand in his hand"Golis...lis"he said worrying"I'm fine Golisopod."I reassure him and he being the protective Pokemon he is, ignored my words and dragged me down Mount Lanakila and my other Pokémons followed.Once we were all the way down the mountain I saw Gladion standing there.Golisopod glared at him and Gladion just smiled at me."I bet you that Golisopod was dragging you to the Pokémon Center,just so that Nurse Joy could check on your well being."Gladion stated and Golisopod nodded"Wow,gee thanks Golisopod..."I said,my Pokémon thought I was crazy!I am absolutely not crazy thinking about that incident and Gladion all day does not make me crazy!

~Gladion's POV~

I was getting ready to get (Y/n) so we could continue our little "Fun time",but Golisopod just happens to be worry about her well being and dragged her down Mount Lanakila."Golisopod,I'm perfectly fine."she reassure him and he sighed and let go of her hand."Liso...pod"he said and went back up the Mount Lanakila with the rest of the crew.She turned her head to my direction"So Gladion...what are you doing here?"she asked and I smirked"Well what else am I here for? We need to continue our little "Fun time" (Y/n)."I said...

~(Y/n)'s POV~

I gulped knowing what he meant.Since the last few weeks Lillie came to visit me to educate me about what Gladion was doing to me and probably taking it to the next level.Me being the clueless Champion I was had to read fanfics Lillie made to get a better understanding of the situation.Now I know what he meant by "Fun time",Lillie said that I was suppose to learn this when I was in school not in Pokémon school,but regular. I must have not been paying attention cause I always fall asleep.I felt Gladion grabbed my hand and pull me towards him into a hug"You don't know how much I missed you."he whispered into my ears with his hot breath it sent chills down my spine,but I hugged back anyways."And...I misses you too!"I said and he chuckled"Always innocent as ever (Y/n)."he stated...which is a lie now,my mind is no longer innocent anymore,since Lillie took the time to educate me in all the things I didn't understand about "Fun time".Maybe I should just act innocent for a little bit"What are you talking about?Everyone is innocent except Team Skull."I said smiling at him and he sighed falling for my innocent act.He led me to his room in route 8 again,once we were inside he pinned me against the door.

~!Lemon ahead!Beware!If you don't like it please don't read further!~

He took off my shirt and bra,this time he didn't suck on them like last time, but he put me on the bed.He took off his hoodie and it revealed his long-sleeve and he took that off as well leaving his abs,I never knew Gladion looked so handsome without his hoodie and long-sleeve!I think I might faint of his sexiness...he pushed me down on the bed and captured my lips.I kissed back and put my arms around his neck for some place to put my arms.He started to massage my right breast and sucked on the left one,I couldn't help but moan out his name.He took off my shorts and that left me just with my underwear.He looked at my body fully and I saw a little blush creeping up his face.

~Gladion's POV~

Damn it...I could feel the blush appearing,but looking at (Y/n)'s body just get me all fired up!I capture her lips again and massaged her left breast and she moaned."G-Gladion.."she moaned my name"I'm gonna make you scream out my name tonight."I whispered into her ear and I saw her blush reddened.

~(Y/n)'s POV~

That's it!I had enough of him teasing me I'll just repay the favor. I flipped him over and removed his pants and boxer,I looked down to see his 6 inches d*ck flunged out."Like what you see?"he asked still breathing out and in"Shut it."I quietly said and began to suck it.He moaned a little and grip onto the bedsheets.It was so long only 3 inches could fit,the other 3 inches I grab with my hand and began to pump up and down.I did this for like 7 minutes now...how come he is not cumming?"(Y-Y/n)...I-I'm about to-..."I cut him off by stopping my self from going any further from sucking his d*ck.He stop grabbing the bedsheets and opened his eyes"Why did you stop?"he asked with his husky voice and I smirked."That was for teasing me."I said and sat on top of him and kissed him.

~Gladion's POV~

I kissed back... How does she know all of these things?If I remember correctly she used to be innocent. Who changed my sweet and innocent angel??She stop kissing me and I flipped her over now I'm on top again."So babe who taught you these methods?"I asked nibbling on her left ear and taking off her underwear revealing her wet entrance"A little relative of yours."she said"Lillie?"I asked and she nodded,I kissed her again."Are you sure you want to do this?"I asked again and she smile"If it makes you happy."she said and I grab a condom from under the pillow and put it on my friend."Tell me if it hurts,okay?"I said while positioning myself in front of her entrance."Okay."she said.I put myself into her and she screamed,I stopped my movements."We can stop...if you're in pain (Y/n)."I said and she opened her eyes and smiled at me telling me it was alright to move on.I began to go deeper making my friend hit her sweet spot and I kept pumping out and in on her."G-Gladion!"she moaned her legs went around my back.I know it was pain for her,so I whisper sweet nothing into her ears to reassure her.

~(Y/n)'s POV~

I could feel a knot forming in my stomach,while Gadion whisper sweet nothing into my ear."I-I'm...a-about to...c-cum!"I said and I released on his friend and a few minutes he released in me.He took out his friend and threw away the condom.Gladion breath out and in,I did as well.That was exhausting"You ready for round 2 babe?"he asked"D-do you have anymore c-condoms?"I asked and he shooked his head"Oh well we don't need the condom."he smirked...

Author-I feel very disgusted writing this chapter... But I hope you enjoy my first Lemon.

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