Meet the other Admin chp.7

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~(Y/n)'s POV~

I turned around to see Gladion standing there.STALKER!!Ahem...I mean how did Gladion find me so quickly."Who.Are.You?"he asked coldly"Why should I tell you?" I questioned and he had a tick mark on his head..."I will not repeat myself."he warned me"Fine the name is (N/n...nickname) Admin of team Skull.Its not nice to meet you."I introduce myself coldly"And aren't you the Enforcer Gladion,that all my brother and sister are talking about?"I question him and he looked at me with a surprise face"How did you know that!?"he said"I have my ways."I smirked"If you're so highly of yourself battle me then."he challenge me"Thanks for the nice invitation,but I really have to go."I said"Really or are you just scare to battle him"I heard Sun said and without hesitation I did a 180 high kick to his side and he went straight for the Pokémon Center's wall."You dare mock me again and see what happen to that little lover of yours."I said coldly"H-how do you know all of this?"Lillie asked while hiding behind her brother"As I said little girl... I have my ways."I reminded her"Now I must be going.Adios!"I said and walked away... Maybe I should get more info as (Y/n).

~Sun's POV~

That girl sure is powerful... Wonder why they let her in team Skull."Gladion what did she mean by you being an Enforcer in team Skull?"I heard Lillie questioned Gladion,I'm still feeling the pain in my side.. If I just lay on Moon again then maybe I can heal faster."Don't worry about Lillie."Gladion reassured her...Moon and the others should be here by now.

~Gladion's POV~

That girl...she seems familiar,but I can't put my finger on it."Lillie I gotta go."I said and walked off back into team Skull hideout"Well looked who it is... The homeless kid is back!"mocked one of those pesky little boys"Shut up."I said"Why should we?"one of them asked stupidly, Gosh people these days are so stupid!*sees (N/n)*Well look who we have here...*walks to (N/n)*Now what do I say..."Oh its you. What do you want?"she asked coldly maybe I should try making her on my side..."When did you join team Skull?"I asked she better answer this question...

~(Y/n)'s POV~

Gladion is so close to me!Im trying not to blush... Its freaking hard!"Since it was created."I lied cause if I said two days ago then that will be suspicious"Gladion."he said"What?"I asked confused"My name is Gladion."he introduce himself"Not nice to meet you Gladion."I said"Not nice to meet you too."he replied coldly and I standed up...he still taller than me!"Now what do you really want?"I said"So you're smart after all..."he said,how dare he said that!"I want you to be on my side."he plainly said..."What do I have to get on the end of this deal?"I asked"Its a deal?"he said,completely ignoring my question but whatever.I leaned closer to his face and flicked his nose"Yes is a deal."I said...stupid Gladion,but still adorable!He blushed for the first time... That's a surprise and he put his hand over his blush... So cute!"So are you on my side?"he said looking away from me"Sure."I replied"I didn't expect such a quick answer from you."he admitted and I laughed at his words.

~Moon's POV~

I saw Sun laying next to the Pokémon Center with Lillie trying to help him up"Hey Lillie do you need help?"I asked her"Please do."she said and I nodded picking Sun up and giving him a piggy-back ride and walked with Lillie back to route 8.

Author-I didn't expect to get 100+ people to read my story...but thank you very much!😊

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