Starting the journey chp.17

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~Moon's POV~

I'm trying my best to hold Sun back from attacking Gladion.Its quite hard since Sun is freaking strong,trust me get in a fight with'll be the one that's gonna be dead!Anyways did I ever mentioned that Sun smell so nice?*laughs a little*while (Y/n) keeps patting Gladion's head and Gladion is actually blushing!"S-Sun stop it!"I said and he suddenly stops moving"If you say so."he said and sigh.

~Lillie's POV~

Me and Hau just got done packing our bags, so we all can travel to the next route and furthermore!"Hau,I think we should check on (Y/n) and Gladion again."I said and he nodded while he's carrying his backpack on one of his shoulder.Now that I look at Hau's back....he looks very good looking from behind as well.Once we got there I saw Moon hugging Sun from behind..."Um...are we suppose to be having a contest of which couple can do stuff better than the others?"I asked and they all looked at me"No!"Sun and (Y/n) shouted at the same time,and that is what I mean by siblings.

~(Y/n)'s POV~

Why am I still playing with Gladion's hair?I mean its soft and all but I should stop...*stops playing with Gladion's hair*man,I still wanted to plat with his hair too.Well I gotta respect Sun's protectiveness before we all die...haha wouldn't want that to happen."(Y/n),why did you stop?"I heard Gladion whisper into my ears and I immediately went red. I didn't expect him to actually like me playing with his hair...wahh...he's too cute for his own good too.Calm down (Y/n),calk down*breath out and in*and he looks at me with a very confused and very cute face"Um...I thought y-you didn't like it s-so I stopped."I stuttered and he smile at me with that damn perfect smile that I can't resist but smile back."Hey you guys I'm hungry!Let's get Malasada and we can go off on the journey!"I heard Hau said and we all nodded...We got to the Pokémon Center and Hau of course always rush back with a bunch of Malasadas on the plate,they're mostly there for him.I took one and it seems to be the sweet one!This is now my favorite food.I saw Lillie having a sour face,probably ate the sour one."AHHH!!!!"I heard someone scream...*look towards the sound of the scream*oh,what a surprise its Sun and Gladion with what it looks like a spicy Malasada.*laughs a little*Wow...I didn't think Gladion can scream that loud"Hey are you two alright?"I heard Hau asked and they both glared at him."Im never eating Malasada ever again."Sun said and sits back next to Moon and pouts,while Moon just rub his back for comfort."Big brother,are you alright?"Lillie asked Gladion and he nodded.Once we were all done Gladion took my hand and we went ahead of everyone.I also heard Sun screaming behind us,but Gladion just keep walking faster."G-Gladion where are w-we going?"I stuttered,why the heck did I stutter!

Author-Sorry this chapter is kinda late!😊

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