It's not what it looks like chp.9

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~(Y/n)'s POV~

Ugh!My head is killing me...*sees Gladion hovering above her*What does he think he is doing!"What are you doing?"I asked him opening my eyes"Just checking on you its been 3 hour sinces you passed out."he said...3 hours!I was passed out for 3 damn whole hour!"Are you hungry?"he asked"N-no."I stuttered,but my stomach growled and I blushed in embarrassment... Gladion just laughs and plaued with my hair for a little bit and went to cook some food.Since Gladion founded me like this then I have to stop being evil... Cause I'm pretty sure Sun is gonna say a last-minute thing like this one"Oh (Y/n) if someone founded out your secret then I win!"so I guess a new start... Just gotta do some research on some nice word to say to people.Once Gladion came back with some soup it freaking smells so good!We're done eating and right now we're watching TV, until Gladion fell asleep on my lap.He's cute when he is sleeping...*plays with his hair*his hair is so soft too!*Lillie just happens to walk in*Why!"Oh (Y/n) you're back!How was your-..."she stopped mid sentence and looked at the sleeping Gladion on my lap and smirked.That's not a good sign!"Lillie is not what you think! H-he just fell asleep on me!"I told her the truth"Yeah whatever you say... I see you girl,You will always have my permission to have my brother."she smirked and I blushed madly"L-Lillie!"I yelled she keeps that smirk on her face and left the room.I'm just gonna lay Gladion down on the couch we're sitting on and... I fell asleep on top of him.

~Sun's POV~

I'm still resting for that kick to the wall,I'm feeling fine though but Moon insisted that I stay in bed for a couple more minute and rest.She can be so protective of me sometimes... That's one thing I love about her!Moon just walked in our room"Sun,how are you feeling?"she asked sweetly"I'm great!Thanks to your healing skills I'm perfectly back I'm shape!"I said and jumped up and out of the bed,buy somehow I tripped and surprisingly Moon caughted me."See you're not fine at all!"Moon said and I putted my head on her chest so I have a pillow to lay on.

~Moon's POV~

Sun just putted his head on my chest!I hope no one comes in and sees this...*blushes madly*I hope Sun will heal quicker now that he is resting on me...(Y/n) said to hug him close so he can get warm and more healing, so I did hug him closer*Lillie walks in again*Why does she have to walk in at this time!"Hey Moon how is Su-..."she paused and looked at me with a devilish smirk"I-it's not what you think!H-he just resting his head!"I said nervous"You wish that was it... What I see is what I'll keep in mind."she said and walked out of the room... She better not tell anyone about this!I hope she doesn't,if she does I'm screw.

Author-Sorry I didn't update so soon I had to go to school.... Sowwy!

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