The boys appear chp.23

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Author- Well hello there!I know I really haven't updated for like a really long time...but I've been in the Harry Potter community and got a lot of information for the next chapter!And yes I know I already used the picture up there,but I'm too lazy to look for more Pokemon Sun and Moon pics.Anyways have any of y'all seen the new episode where Gladion showed up!?I was fan girling whenever I saw him in the trailer...😄😄

~Gladion's POV~

We've been in the same positions for like what I call a freaking thousand hours!!*has a scary and impatience face*How dare my mother touch (Y/n) like that!?She acts like (Y/n) is her "little doll" ARGHHHH!!!!!SHE CAN'T TOUCH MY GIRLFRIEND!!!"Hey,dude calm down.Do you see us over here?We're not that scary looking as you..."Hau said and I threatenedly glared at him and he just smugly looked at me like I was doing something wrong...

~Sun's POV~

Gladion and Hau are really getting on my last freaking nerves!We agreeded to keep quite,but no...they want to talk!And I'm over here thinking we might so get caught by Lusamine herself!"Will you please just shut up!?"I finally said and looked at them"Well excuse me... unlike you I'm actually planning something. It would've been working like right now,but some little guy had to talk to me!Not to be rude but both of you please shut your freaking loud mouth up before I use you as bait!"Gladion yell-whisper and I was looking at him like he was crazy. I mean come on he was gonna use one of us as bait!And you know me...I don't like being anyone's bait anytime sooner."

~(Y/n)'s POV~

We've been looking at the same frozen up Pokemons for like some hours ,and Lusamine still hasn't cane back.Might so try and find a way to escape*looks around*Hmm...we still need a passcode for the door so if I can savagely go behind the door without being notices and wack him upside his head and I get the passcode!Hooray! I love my plans!!"Okay,Guys I'm gonna try and get behind the guard who has the passcode to our escaping,and knock him out!You can try and distract him for me...Will ya?"I whisper very quietly to the girls and they nodded.

~Lillie's POV~

While (Y/N) is busy finding a way behind the guard me and Moon were gonna go ask him questions and tell him about stuff...He looks stupid to me."Hey!Mister! We have questions can you answer them for us?"I asked very kindly and smiled at him.I swore I saw him blushing a little... Ooooo Hau's gonna have his head."Oh!Um...Sure I guess."he said scratching his neck and coming over to us and sat down."So what did you guys wanted to ask me?"he asked"Oh well...Um how did you became one of Lusamine Guard's?"I totally made that question up" my father used to work for her until he died of old age so she needed someone else to feel his place and I was right for the job."he replied"What about your mother?"Moon asked"About her,she left me when I was little so I kinda live alone,but when I neant Lady Lusamine it was like a dream come true!She gave me a home and free food to eat!"he exclaimed"So what is your hobby?"I asked"Well let see...I like to re-..."he got knocked out from the back.*sigh*Now I kinda felt bad for him...

~Hau's POV~

Oh nah ah!He ain't touching my girl anytime sooner!*was about to get up,but Gladion pulled him down*What in the Arceus is he doing!?"What are you doing!?"I said to Him and he looked at me like he wanted to chop off my poor little head"Don't you even think about going up to my sister and punching the guard!"he yelled"Hey!Both of y'all need to shut up!"Sun yelled at both of us"Fine..."I gave up trying.

~Moon's POV~

Was that Sun's voice just now?"Sun is that you?"I cane over to where the voice was coming from and saw him,Hau,and Gladion."Um,Yes?"he replied weakly like I was about to kick him or something."What are you doing here?"I asked again and he looked at me"We were just checking on y'all to see if you were alright!"he said"Can we go home now!?"I heard (Y/n) behind me still snuggling with Gladion's sweater and looking kinda sleepy."I guess s-..."I got cut off by none other than the Gladion himself"We're going home princess."he said and I could have sworn (Y/N) blushed a little,but I did see her faint.

Author- Yea!!!!I finish!!!Hope you guys like the chapter!This is suppose to be publish on the day where Gladion was introduce to Sun and Moon,but I got lazy...😁

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