The kiss chp.13

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~Lillie's POV~

Since Moon and Sun left to sleep or should I say cuddle with each other. Me and (Y/n) had that tingling sense that we needed to take a picture of those two..."Got the camera?"I asked (Y/n) and she nodded"Great!Let's go take those pictures!!"I cheered and left the room with (Y/n) following closely behind.Once we were in front of the door I opened very slowly and quietly..."Make sure you don't make any noise...okay?"(Y/n) whisper to me since she knows how I can be a bit hyper about these two.I nodded and we went to each side of the bed and took thousands of pictures...we even try and make them kiss,but Moon kept moving and Sun wouldn't move at all!We had our fill of pictures tonight we'll come back for more tomorrow. We made it back and it seems like Hau and Gladion were asleep...and we just sat on the bed talking"So Lillie... How are you and Hau's relationship going so far?"asked (Y/n) and I automatically blushed"Wha-what are you talking a-about?"I said nervously and she smirked,I swear she get all of this because she hangs around with Gladion too much."Oh you know what exactly I'm talking about."she said slyly"N-no I d-don't!"I said,my blush redden and she sighed"Keep telling yourself that."she said...I'm getting my revenge on her just you wait (Y/n) just you wait,I'll make sure you kiss Gladion by midnight.So after she went to check on Gladion she just sat there playing with his hair,perfect!Muwhahahahah!!!I came up behind her and push her forward and their lips touched.

~(Y/n)'s POV~

When Lillie pushed me down onto Gladion...our lips touched.It was soft and had a warm feeling to it,I heard Lillie back there snickering,but Gladion's lips were soft and now I had a warm feeling in my stomach its like butterflies are fluttering in there and since I love him I deepend the kiss...last time I said I liked him because of his edgelordness and now I loved him all of him,but I don't know if he even likes me.Once I was done I separated from his lips and Lillie was in shock"You actually liked him."she said and I nodded while blushing,I swear if Lillie tell Gladion that I kissed him then she will be in big is time for her to finally kiss Hau,but I'll save it for later I wouldn't want the fun to be ruin so early.I felt something grabbed my waist and turned around to see Gladion smirking at me... Wait a minute was he even sleeping??"So (Y/n) does like me after all...Hau was right."he said and my blush got redder"But don't worry I don't like you..."he whispered to me that and it made my heart shatter"The truth is I love you."he whispered and my heart just somehow restored itself back to normal and I was blushing so hard I think my whole face is super red"I-I l-love y-you too."I embarrassly whisper back"Thanks for the pictures you guys!!"Lillie yelled over there next to Hau... She was taking a picture of me blushing!!Now she gonna get it!!Just you wait Lillie...I'll have you kiss Hau by the time we go somewhere else than this motel*smirks*and Gladion looked at me with a confused face"Just wait Lillie...I'll get you soon."I warned her and she lower her camera and dash out the room while dragging Hau with her to her and his room."So what's that all about?"asked Gladion"I'm planning something for dear little Lillie."I said and kisses him on the cheek and went to bed...and he seems to follow me and went to bed as well.

~Next morning still (Y/n)'s POV~

When I woke up I notices that Gladion was sleeping so close to me that he had his face on my am I suppose to get up now?I tried to push him away but he wouldn't move..."G-Gladion move."I said but he didn't respond...of course he's sleeping. Until I felt his grip got tighter around my waist,and he pulled me down next to him and pecked me on the lips.I freaking swear my face is red again and I saw him smirking"(Y/n) its not even time to go,you can go back to sleep."he said and basically went back to sleep and I just lay there looking stupid... Oh well it is pretty early just about eight-something.I'll just go back to sleep...

Author-Sorry I didn't update yesterday!!I had to I had to go to Houston and on the way there my phone died... And it takes forever to charge!!Well anyways hope you enjoy this one!!

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