Holding hands chp.18

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~Lillie's POV~

Oh my gosh!!Gladion is holding (Y/n)'s hand!KYAA!!!The ship!"You go,and get you some girl!!"I yelled at (Y/n) and I saw her turned around and blush at me. Sun death glared me and I smile at him,while Hau was hugging me protectively.I'm pretty sure my face is super duper red!

~Sun's POV~

Man...Lillie just had to did that too.My little sister is getting taken away from me by that punk!*death aura surrounds him*that's it!(Y/n) is not even allowed to have any boyfriends while I'm still alive!I will not hesitate to punch them all to the Kanto Region!"Sun..."I heard Moon say my name,I turned around to her and I got hit in the front of my head by Moon of all people!"Wha-what was that for!?"I asked still in pain"You need to stop thinking about sending boys who likes (Y/n) to whatever region you were thinking about!"she scolded me and I pouted"Hmmp!I just want to protect my little sister!"I argued and she glared at me.Oh crap!That's not a good sign at all!Okay I'll admit this about my cute girlfriend Moon...don't get on her bad side or else,she's gonna send you all the way to oblivion!I know creepy and scary,but she's still too cute!"U-umm...y-yes M-ma'am."I said and quickly turned around and walk next to Hau."Hey Sun!What's up?"Hau asked and I had that very scared look on my face"Don't tell me...its Moon."he said totally reading my mind,I nodded slowly looking behind me to see a smiling Moon looking at the shops around town.

~(Y/n)'s POV~

Gladion is holding my hand!Is this a dream come true?Even though we kissed...does that count as me and him dating?

~Gladion's POV~

While (Y/n) is up somewhere in La La Land,I'll go find us the next town and probably tell the others if they stupidly and somehow got lost then yeah."Gladion where are we going?"I heard (Y/n) asked me finally out of La La Land..."To the next town."I said and she nodded back up in La La Land she goes. Once we arrived there,"surprisingly" the others arrive here perfectly fine and not stupidly lost.*sigh*...

~Lillie's POV~

Gladion been looking very down lately, like his face has no emotion since we left the motel.I wonder...did we upset him or something?"Yeah!We're finally here!"Hau shouted out of no where"It was only a 5 minute walk Hau."I told him and his hands went back down.Guess I ruin his moment*laughs a little*and he pouted at me"Geez,you didn't have to ruin it."he said and I just looked at him with a glare stating that"Stop acting childish... I need to focus on my ship."and somehow Gladion still looks happy being around (Y/n).I hope she'll make him happy in the future.Speaking of the future..."Sun when are you and Moon gonna get marry?"I whispered into his ear and he automatically blushed"Wha-what?We just started to date!"he said loudly and everyone is now looking at us"Keep your voice down!"I yelled and he quiet down"You..."he muttered and I heard it loud and clear"Answer the question Sun."I whisper"Umm...I'm planning to do that-...."someone interrupted him...

Author-Kinda early chapter.... But hope you like it!

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