Lusamine chp.22

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Author- I finally found the time to write again!Yas!!!Well I hope you guys weren't that angry or bored with my story,since I haven't updated due to my lazy butt...

~Gladion's POV~

After they took the girls I was still waiting "patiently" for this stupid boat to hurry up to arrive at The Æther Foundation. Hau's wound started to heal which is good,wouldn't Lillie getting all worried about her idiot of a boyfriend.Sun looked like he was getting ready to murder someone..."Dude,stop looking like that.The boatman is getting scare,looks like he might just jump off the boat."I told him and he glared at me"Well excuse me!Unlike you I actually worry about whats gonna happen to the girls!While you over there looks like a complete idiot!I don't even know how my sister stop being evil and started acting good because of you!"he yelled.

~Hau's POV~

They're starting a fight when the girls are freaking kidnapped!"I didn't ask her to stop being evil!It was all on her own will!So shut your stupid mouth!"Gladion argued and I sighed from their stupidity, usually Gladion would be the one saying this,but I guess not."How about I duct tape both of your mouth!"I yelled at them,and they stopped and sat back down.

~Sun's POV~

Dang...I didn't think Hau could be screaming like that.Its quite scary now that I look deeper into it,but my say still stand about Gladion.Once we arrived at The Æther Foundation there were no way in."We gotta travel by shadow if we don't want to be caught."Gladion warned and we nodded,so we decided to climb the a tree and jump down.I landed Ninja Style on the ground,while Gladion just landed on his feet and Hau fall flat on the ground.It made a huge noise,but somehow no one heard it...they must be deaf then.

~(Y/n)'s POV~

I looked at Lillie and saw that she was shivering in fear...why?"Lillie you alrig-..."i got cutted off by "that person"I wonder why Moon hasn't said anything yet..."I DIDN'T TELL YOU TO SPEAK!"they yelled and then the lights turned on.I adjusted to the lights and saw a women that had the same color hair as Lillie and Gladion.I looked over to Moon and saw that she was frozen in shock and fear."M-mother..."I heard Lillie whispered,wait WHAT! That's her mother?Then that means she's also Gladion's mother as well... If Lillie and Hau get marry then he'll be her son-in-law!Wait,stop it.No time to think about ships...gotta focus on the situation."Well then...My disgusting daughter is here,a girl with black hair,and you with my son's sweater.Oh my... my son doesn't deserve you, you're way too good for him.Plus,how can you like a thief!"she yelled and then told us to stand up.We did just that and she led us to her secret room"This is where I keep all of the beautiful things in this rotten world,and your gonna be one of them.Isn't that wonderful??"she explained to us"No its not mother!You can't just freeze People or Pokémon just because you think they're beautiful and want to keep them for yourself!"Lillie shouted"You!Stupid child,shut your dirty little mouth up!I will not tolerant this!I shall feed you to the Sharpedo!"she warned and slapped Lillie and ouch!It left a painful mark on her right cheek."L-lillie are you al-alright?"Moon asked her still scare,she only gave a slight nod.

~Gladion's POV~

We're almost there!I hope those two idiots can keep up with all the guards that are in the building.Once we reached my mother's bedroom we saw a teleporter right in the center.We step through and saw the girls"(Y/-..."someone put there hand over my mouth,I looked over to see who it was so I can slap them,turns out to be the unlucky Hau."Shhh...Let's see what they're gonna do to the girls first."he said and I sighed and nod in agreement.While I had to hold Sun's collar so that he won't spoil our plan...

Author- Hope you like this chapter! I'll try and keep updating,but I don't know exactly cause school is tomorrow... Bye Spring Break😢😢.

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