A Sun needs a Moon chp.4

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~Sun's POV~

Once I turned around to see who voice was that it surely surprised me.Is was Moon... My childhood friend was here on Alola.I saw (Y/n) having a smirk on her face."Wipe that smirk off your face!"I told her and she chuckles...

~Lillie's POV~

Is it true another ship had been found..?"Two ships are ready to sail."I fangirl"Don't you mean three?"asked (Y/n) still having that smirk on her face..."N-no be quiet!"I said she's good at making people nervous/embarrassed"What about you and Gladion?"I asked her with a smirk on my face this time she looked very nervous"Wha-what are you talking about?"she questions me"Oh you know exactly what I'm talking about..."I said and she pouted,when Gladion looked our way and sees (Y/n) pouting...I saw him turning around immediately,bet you he was blushing"Checkmate... One case is close."I said and took out my notebook of randomness, flips to the ship page and check off their ship.

~(Y/n)'s POV~

"So Sun... How about it,let's make a deal."I whispered to him"Okay if I confess my feeling for Moon and gets a kiss from her...you have to stop being evil."he said and I sigh"Fine...and if you don't,hand over  all your Pokémons to me."I said and he nodded"You're still the same little sister... And I still love you for that!"he cheered,Oh my gosh.No!I'll just hide behind Moon,Sun can't do anything when he is near her... Go me!*runs behind Moon*Okay safe..."Is that you (Y/n)?"Moon asked and I nodded"Oh my gosh!You changed so much!And I still love your (H/c) hair!"she compliments me"Thanks."I appreciate her compliment, but she needs to take care of Sun..."(Y/n)!Get back here!"Sun yelled and I shook my head "Sun?"asked Moon curiously.Oh behold Sun's explosion of blush and steam just happen "Y-yes..."he said nervously and Moon ran up to him and hugged him and seems like he fainted"Oh my gosh!Sun are you okay?"asked a very worry Moon"He'll be fine...you just need to take care of him and let him rest on you."I said matter of factly and sees a tiny blush on Moon's face"Wh-why does h-he have to rest on me?"she asked"Don't you know if a person rest on you they will heal or wake up faster."I lied just so I can take pictures and Lillie can check off this ship.*walks over to Lillie*Can't wait to show Sun the pictures!"Lillie do the honors..."I informed her and she nodded great now just need to get her ship going.

~Hau and Gladion's POV~

What are the girls doing?They're acting so creepy lately too!

~Moon's POV~

Sun is resting on me so he can wake up faster...but something tells me that (Y/n) wasn't speaking the truth. Oh well I know in my heart that (Y/n) never lies,I wonder if Sun is heavy to move he doesn't look heavy though"Moon do you need help carrying Sun to the motel on route 8?"asked Lillie"Is he heavy?"I asked and (Y/n) shooked her head.l sighed in relief,I should be fine carrying Sun to the motel its not that far we're only in route 5 or 6 either way not that bad.

Author-Hope chu guys like this chapter!

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