{Requested} "Fun time" with an Edgelord

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Author-This has nothing to do with the story...requested by A_Ditz.This is my first time writing a requested one,hope you guys like it!

~(Y/n)'s POV~

Me and Gladion have been dating for a year now and he just asked if I could go on a date with him,of course I said yes.Right now we're leaving the Pokemon League to go on our date."So,how is my Champion doing?"he asked"I'm doing fine Gladion."I told him and he nodded.

~Gladion's POV~

I literally had to ask Hau how to make out with (Y/n),since I was stuck in Aether Paradise I didn't have time to read about it.God damn you Faba for assigning so much paperwork,I'm glad I got away this time and actually be able to take (Y/n) out.Faba usually let me go out onces every week,but that's not enough...I need to see my precious Champion everyday."Gladion where are we going?"she asked"You'll soon find out."I said and she pouted being cute and curious as usual.Once we made it to a restaurant,I was planning to eat first and then "fun time".

~(Y/n)'s POV~

Since we made it to the restaurant Gladion has been acting kinda weird lately."Gladion are you alright?You're acting kinda weird."I stated"Yeah,I'm alright..."he replied and smile at me and I smiled back.Once we were done eating Gladion took my hand to the motel on route 8.I wonder why he would take me here...did he leave some of his stuff here and needed my help?I saw him smirk and looked at me...next do I know he pushes me against the door.Oh how convenient I just happen to be standing in front of the door...man door why you gotta be there?"(Y/n) ready to have some fun time?"he asked what did he mean by "fun time"?"What are you talking about Gladion?"I asked and he chuckled"Oh you,as innocent as ever."he said and smirked again,I could feel goosebumps running down my spine.Suddenly he kissed me passionately and started to carry me to the bed.He putted me down on the bed and pushed me to lay down,I think that wasn't a good idea since Gladion smirked.He started to massage my breast and kissed me again yet this time it was rough yet sweet.I tried to keep my moan from coming out"Don't..."he said and he took off my shirt and bra,glad he didn't ripe it,it was my favorite shirt.He looked at my breast for minute and dived in to suck on my left breast,I couldn't hold in my moan anymore...I moaned out his name.

~Gladion's POV~

Hearing (Y/n) moan out my name turns me on...I looked at her face,close eyes,and beautiful lips.Glad she's all mine.I began to suck on her right nipple and massage the other one.

~Few minutes of their activities pass~

I was about to kiss her again until my phone rang.I got up and took out my phone and answer it.

~(Y/n)'s POV~

Once Gladion got off of me I got off the bed and looked for my shirt and bra.Once I had those on I went to his side."What do you want?"he asked the caller.

~Gladion's POV~

Damn Faba for calling me when I was in the middle of this."Master Gladion you have a lot of paperwork to do!Get back to The Aether Paradise now!"he yelled across the phone"And?"I said"What do you mean And?The Aether Paradise needs you to come back here and start working on these projects!"he shouted"Why don't you and Wicke do it?"I asked"Because I'm busy telling all of those idiots to keep up and work on the project,Wicke is on vacation!Did you forget that Master Gladion!?"he shouted again,geez he's killing my ear drum."Alright, Alright...I'm coming back!"I shouted back through the phone and hanged up.(Y/n) looked at me confused"I gotta go back to Aether Paradise,but we'll continue this when I'm back."I said and kissed her and went out the door.

~(Y/n)'s POV~

He left to go back to work.Damn whoever called him,I was kinda starting to enjoy that too.I walked out the door and still see Gladion leaning against the wall,he looked at me and pinned me to the door once again"Once I come back (Y/n)...be prepare I won't hold back on you babe."he said that and left...

Author-Tell me do you want a part 2?Anyways...I hope you like the first request I did!

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