Parting ways chp.24

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Author- Hewwo!!Its been a while since my last update,but I'm planning to finish this story in 1 more chapter including this one is 2.

~(Y/n)'s POV~

Its been a week since me and the girls got kidnapped by Guzma and Plumeria. I still remember the way Lusamine talked about how her kids were disgusting...She's going to Kanto with Lillie so she can heal up.The doctor said it will take about 2 years for that to happen,but even when her mother is already recovered Lillie told me and Moon that she'll stay there for 4 more years so she can adventure through all the regions beside Alola.When I see her again she'll be 17.I'm pretty sure Hau will definitely miss her...its really sad he can't go with her since he has to take his duty as Kahuna when his grandfather steps down.Moon said she and Sun will be traveling together around the Alola region,I'm really happy that they got together... I'll miss having her cooking. Gladion said that he'll travel around the Alola region as well as training his Type:Null to become a Sivally and collect all the disks for it.As for me...I'm going to beat all the Island Challenges and Kahunas to become the first Alola Champion. Well unless Sun or Moon gets there first.I also wanted to capture some of the Tapus and either Lunala or Solgaleo.

~Lillie's POV~

I'm gonna really miss everyone... Mostly my dear big brother,(Y/n),and Hau."Mother,be careful getting on the boat.Okay?"I told my ill mother"Lillie I'll be fine..."she answer back weakly.I helped her get on the boat and lay in bed,and then I saw Hau running to me as I was getting my last bag."LILLIE!!!W-wait!!Don't leave y-yet!!I still n-need to ask you a q-question!"I heard him yell at me as I board the boat ,and I saw the others coming up."Lillie make sure you take care of your mother.Okay?"I hears Moon said while shedding a tear.She's gonna make me cry now..."I-I will.."I said trying not to cry and she smile at me very sadly.

~Hau's POV~

I can't bear to see Lillie leave me.It hurts like really bad,more than when her brother death glares me.*clenches the black box in his hand*

~Gladion's POV~

*sneezes*Someone's talking about me...*looks around*Probably that stupid Hau and or Annoying Sun."Gladion!!Make sure you take care of (Y/n) for me!!"I heard Lillie yelled and I nodded back"L-lillie!!You're so embarrassing..."(Y/n) said while blushing madly*smiles a little bit*

~(Y/n)'s POV~

Now I'm heading back to my house to get all the stuff I need.*sees Gladion's sweater on her bed and puts it on over her tank top*Now I just need to get going before he notices that his sweater is missing...*runs out her room said bye to her mom and ran far away from the house as possible, cause she knew Gladion would check on her before he leaves and obviously take his sweater back*Okay!I'm safe!...

~Nobody's POV~

And then all of the young trainers started their journey feeling happiness when they accomplish their goals in...6 more years...

~6 years later~

~(Y/n)'s POV~

"Aw man!You're way too good Champion!"said my challenger and I just smile at him"Just train up!I'm sure you'll be strong as me when you grow up!"I said cheerfully"Alright!Thank you for the advice Champion (Y/n)!!"he said as he ran down the steps of the Pokemon League. I turned around and sat on my throne with my Pokemon scattered around the area,I then hear footsteps coming up the steps."Hi!New challenger..."I said while standing up my eyes still closed.Once I opened my eyes I saw a platium blond hair person with piercing emerald green eyes..." I've never change.Do you (Y/n)?"...

Author- Cliffhanger!!!!Or a cliffy!! Well you guys can guess which one that is.Hope you enjoy this chapter!The next chapter will also be the last chapter of this book!My next story won't be related to this Anime but another one that I just re-watched.Sorry if I didn't make this long enough for you guys!But I really wanted to finish my book before I start a new one.Oh!And the next book I'm working on is an Anime called Magi!If you guys haven't heard of it go check it out!!

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