His hoodie chp.15

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~Gladion's POV~

Me and the guys decided to scare the girls by going behind them and drag them to the deep part of the ocean. I heard (Y/n) screamed a little and her hand went on my hands"G-Gladion?"she asked"What?"I said and she sighed"I thought you were a random stranger... Haha"she laughed a little"WAHH!!!"I turned towards the scream and its just happens to be Lillie screaming because... Hau!What!I thought he went to go get Malasada!!That liar..."HAU!!!"I yelled at him and he chickened out and hid behind Lillie.

~Lillie's POV~

Hau was hugging me still when he went and hid behind me for protection from Gladion.I see that Gladion was super angry at this position me and Hau are in.(Y/n) just look at me while smirking...and I shotted her back with a glare and she just snickered."Wah!!S-Sun!!"I heard Moon yelled and Sun laughing over there...I mean they are a cute couple,don't have any brothers to worry about.Lucky!I got to deal with Gladion's overprotectiveness!Also (Y/n) has to suffer from Sun's overprotectiveness too!

~(Y/n)'s POV~

Lillie had an expression on her face that can't possibly read."Hey!Let's get out the water!!"I heard my brother yelled and we all got out and I was soaking wet!"ACHOO!!"I sneezed and everyone looked at me,Gladion looks more worried than the others."Are you okay (Y/n)?"asked Lillie and I nodded"Are you sure?"Sun asked me and I nodded again."I know you're not,here wear this."I heard Gladion said and felt something on my head... It was his hoodie"Um are you sure?I mean I have my own-..."I got cutted off by Gladion"Just wear it."he said and I nodded,man his hoodie is so soft!!I want to keep this forever!"Let's get you back to the motel."he said and we all walked back to the motel."G-Gladion,seriously I'm fine!"I said...he was piggybacking me to our room."Shut up,and go to sleep."he said and entered the room,"ACHOO!"I sneezed"Lay on the bed idiot."he said and I did,"I wove chu!"I said very sick...damn I must have a high fever!I saw him blush and look away from me,I swear he mumble something but I was too sick to hear it.

~Gladion's POV~

She must be flirty when she's sick...well then I'll make sure next time she never gets sick ever again."Um,yeah."I said and she pouted very cutely"Say it back!"she demanded and playfully punching my chest"I-I love y-you too."I finally said and looks away blushing,sometimes she just make me so embarrassed."ACHOO!"she sneezed again,I better make her some soup and get a wet towel.After I put the wet towel on her forehead,I went to make her chicken soup...my mother used to make me these when I was a kid.Once I was done making the chicken soup I lay it on the bedside table to let it cool off,so when (Y/n) wakes up the soup will be ready."Love you too."I whispered into her left ear and went to my side of the bed and slept.

~Next morning still Gladion's POV~

I woke up from the bright sunlight in my face.The first thing I saw was a cute sleeping (Y/n) cuddling next to my chest.It's cute when (Y/n) is sleeping and her (H/l) (H/c) hair,also her beautiful face is gonna be the death of me.Until someone so rudely interrupted my peaceful moment of looking at (Y/n) and definitely not checking her out...

Author-Okay kinda late...😅😅,but another Cliffy is back!

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