Silly Lillie and the outbursting Sun chp.16

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~Hau's POV~

Lillie was worry about (Y/n),since she's sick she told me to check on (Y/n) and probably Gladion as well.Once I opened the door the first thing I saw was an awake Gladion and he was surprisingly staring at (Y/n) lovingly.He looked at me pissed for some reason... I must have probably disturb his moment of peace."What do you want?"he asked coldly"Lillie wanted me to check up on you guys."I said and he squinted his eyes at me"We're doing fine."he said and had a look on his face almost saying"Leave!"guess I'll leave him.I went back to mine and Lillie's room it seems that Lillie was in a hurry since she was walking from the bed to the door,almost crashing into me."Lillie what's up?"I asked her"I was just wondering if Hau would go on a date with me."she said not realizing that's she is talking to me"Uh huh."I said telling her to continue"I'm not sure if he would accept!"she said still having her head down"I'm pretty sure he would love to go on a date with you."I said smiling"How would you kno-..."she paused and looked up with a shock face""now she's a blushing mess, I laughed and her blush deepend."So...are you still up for that date?"I asked and she nodded her head very slowly.

~Lillie's POV~

Wahh!I'm so embarrassed!Why do I gotta be do stupid!? I should have looked up to see who I was talking to..."H-Hau how is (Y/n) and Gladion holding up?"I asked changing the embarrassing subject"They're doing great!"he cheered and putting his hands behind his neck.

~Moon's POV~

I feel sorry for (Y/n) since she was the one who got sick out if all of us."Damn him!"I heard Sun shouted across the room and I had a confused look on my face"Sun,what's wrong?"I asked him sweetly"Gladion got my little sister sick!That's not gonna end well on my line!"he shouted again"Hey,calm down Sun...its just a cold,its not gonna last long so don't worry about it."I reassure him,hope it works he sighed"If you say so."he said in defeat.Until he ran out the room for some unknown reason...

~(Y/n)'s POV~

Damn the sun's ray...ugh my eyes.I saw Gladion leaning over me when I opened my eyes,I close my eyes and open them again...I thought it was my imagination,Guess not."G-Gladion what are y-you doing?"I stuttered and he blushed and got off of me"I was just checking your fever."he said...I don't believe a word coming out of that mouth of his."Yeah...sure."I said and got up to change and brush my teeth.Once I was done Gladion was packing my bag for me and his as well,guess we're moving to the next route and more adventures will await us!Someone busted through the door...its Sun,of course!"WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY LITTLE SISTER!?!"Sun screamed at Gladion"Oh nothing at all."Gladion said smirking and Sun death glared Gladion"So you did do something to her!"he yelled and then Moon came running into the run"S-Sun!He didn't do anything wrong!"Moon said to Sun,but that idiot wouldn't listen"Shush...I'm trying to focus on beating this boy who seems to be taking my sister away from me!"Sun shouted and I just stared at him with a completely blank face"Sun,look at my face..."I said and he look at my face with a confused look and turned to Moon to see if she knew anything,but of course she didn't"No,No keep looking..."I continued and he look back at me"Does it look like I care?"I asked him"B-but....sissy....h-he tried to hurt you."Sun said going back to his childish and kinda protective self."If he did...I would have been punched him in the face."I said and Gladion looks at me with a face saying"I thought we were cool bro..."I laughed"No worries Gladion."I reassured him and played with his hair,while Sun was being hold back by Moon so that he wouldn't have hurted Gladion...

Author-Hope you guys like chapter 16!

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