Malasada chp.2

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~Hau's POV~

Sun had a little sister and never bother to tell me about it!!How dare he!"Sun you have a lot of explaining to do."I yelled at him in pure anger"Well the reason is that I'm pretty sure my mom didn't want you guys to worry about my family's business."he said with a smiling expression"What!Sun we're friends... Let me help you out."I exclaimed and he sighed"You don't understand Hau... my little sister is not like me."he informed me"What do you mean?"I asked "That's a story for another time,and didn't you want to go to the Battle Royal?"he asked and I nodded.Once we arrived there I saw that boy with blonde hair standing in the corner"Hey-..."As I was about to say something... Someone cut my off."Hey there,everyone!"A random person said with a very familiar voice said, and when I turned to the direction of the mysterious voice... It was the Masked Royal!Oh my gosh, I want his autograph!!"Let's two!"he pointed to me and then to Sun."Now one more candidate."he looks at that blonde boy"You comepeoplet's us all battle,Yeah!"he yelled excitedly and we all followed him to the arena with the blond hair boy looking pretty annoyed?

~(Y/n)'s POV~

Whew!I'm glad that Masked Royal didn't pick me... I guess I can go watch their battle and then train.*goes to the sitting area and sees a girl*Who is that girl...she looks oddly familiar... Wait isn't she the one who has something weird in her bag.If I heard Sun correctly he said her name when he was leaving...Lilian... Lil... Lillie.Yeah Lillie was her name,"Hey I'm Lillie,nice to meet you!"she introduce herself to me.Ha!I was right!I'm (Y/n)."I said... gotta act nice so that people don't think that I'm suspicious..."That's a wonderful name (Y/n)!"she exclaimed and I nodded"So who are you here for?"she asked"I'm just watching the battle."I answered her question and she nodded"I'm here for Sun and Hau."she said...not a surprise"Oo looks like they finish their battle and Sun won!"she cheered and I nodded not caring.*they walked back to the main area*Okay now to escape before anyone-..."Hey look who it is!"I heard Hau said once I turned around and I saw Sun over there smiling at me...I knew what that smile meant,it was death hugs!"W-well I have to go now..."I stuttered why in the world did I stutter"No you're not...let's all get Malasada!"Hau cheered and I sighed along with the blonde hair boy"Hey I never got your name..."I said"The name is Gladion."he said plainly"I'm (Y/n)."I introduce myself...its not likely of me to ask people their name and say my name after it.What the heck did he do to me..?Great I'm getting drag along with Sun's friends to get some Malasada and somehow Gladion got dragged along as least I didn't have to suffer alone.

~Lillie's POV~

Gladion I found him...but he looks very different. He isn't as talkative as he use to be,and somehow he only open up to (Y/n)... Wait a minute is it time for Matchmaking Lillie to come back??I need to get more info on this case before I can ship them..."Hey Lil,are you coming?"Hau asked me while waving his hand in front of my face"Um yeah I'm coming."I said and follow them to the Pokémon Center."Okay guys I got us Malasada!Eat up! Its on me."Hau said giving us a plate of different Malasada on it,I grabbed one and bite on it...its sweet. (Y/n) grabbed one and devour it in a second she must be very hungry...*giggles*and Hau looked at me with a confused face"What are you giggling over there about?"he questions"Nothing."I said still giggling...(Y/n) and Hau can relate so much!"This is stupid I'm leaving."Gladion said and left,big brother left me again."I gotta go."(Y/n) said and left new friend that is actually a girl left me.

~(Y/n)'s POV~

Whew I'm glad I ate some Malasada man,was I hungry.When I looked up and saw Gladion staring at me and walked up to me.He started petting my head"Wha-what are you doing?"I stutter again"Hope we can battle one day...I'll be waiting for you."he whispered in to my ears and I could have sworn that my face was red as a Magickarp"I-I umm..."I nervously said but didn't get the right words out...and now his forehead is on mine...I'll admit this my face is fully redder than a Magickarp for sure.His eyes are close for some reason"Your cute when you're blushing (Y/n)."he said seductively...

~Gladion's POV~

What am I doing!?I told myself to stay away from her but my body won't listen its like she's has psychic powers to lure me to her... I gotta stay strong and keep that blush away.Blush?!What is this girl doing to me?Gosh if I hadn't bump into her then none of this would have happen... Damn me for going out of team Skull,I just wanted a damn walk...Tch!

Author-That's it for chapter two...I hope I didn't rush the love too much...

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