Traitors chp.20

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~(Y/n)'s POV~

Just woke up...and I see that Gladion is sleeping so close to me our lips almost touched.I'll just do my morning routine and see if Lillie and Moon are awake.Once I was done,Lillie bursted into the room with Sun behind her."(Y/n)!Are you alright?"Sun asked stepping in front of Lillie"Yeah,Why do you ask?"I said"Someone is looking for you and that punk down there."he said and pointed to Gladion when he called him "that punk".Gladion shoot up from the bed"I heard that you were talking crap about me."he said rubbing his eyes"What the heck!"Sun screamed"How do you wake up so fast?"Sun questioned and Gladion got off the bed"I've been awake since Lillie bursted into the room,dummy."he said"Oh,woops... Sorry."Lillie apologize"Don't call me a dummy,little punk!"Sun said and Gladion glared at him"Why should I?"he questions with a smirk"Shut it!Just go to the Main Area and see who's waiting for you!Tch!"Sun basically shouted.Once Gladion got don't doing his morning routine he held my hand in his and walked to the Main Area.

~Gladion's POV~

Once we got to the Main Area I saw a woman with pink and yellow hair in two pigtails and she had on a Team Skull look. Wait a minute...isn't that Plumeria!?I held out my hand in front of (Y/n) protectively,since I had a feeling she's gonna hurt her."(Y/n)...stay behind me..."I whispered and she nodded.

~Hau's POV~

That lady looks really nice!I should shake her hand and we can all be friends!"Hello Miss!"I cheered and the lady turned my direction"What do you want kid?"she asked"I was wondering if we could be friends, and  hangout with the others-..."before I could finish she picked me up and threw me to the Pokémon Center's wall next to the PC.

~Lillie's POV~

I saw that lady picked Hau by the arm and basically threw him next to the PC."HAU!!"I yelled and rushed over to him"A-are you okay?"I asked shakingly and tears forming at the corner of my eyes.He opened his eyes and weakly smiled at me"I-I'm a-alright..."he said slowly sitting up and falling on my chest,I hugged him tears rolling down my cheeks.

~(Y/n)'s POV~

Isn't that Plumeria from Team Skull!!??What is she doing here??"P-Plumeria...w-what are y-you doing h-here?"I asked reaching out my hand and she looked at me and slapped my hand away."Shut your traps!"she shouted"We gaved you shelter!We took care of you!And what do you return to us?You return to us your stupid lies and you're a TRAITOR!"she yelled at me and I started to cry silently."I-I'm s-sorry...I d-didn't w-want to m-make y-you was the o-only situation I-I thought of..."I admitted and feel like I was shrinking... The most unexpected thing she would have done to me at this situation... She slapped me.I started to cry more,I deserve all of it...I deserve it for being such a cruel human being to the people who took me in when my dad lefted me.I fell to the floor still crying and I can feel Plumeria's gaze at my head,it feels like she felt pity for me...

Author-That't it for chapter 20!

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