Stars are beautiful chp.19

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~(Y/n)'s POV~

Lillie was asking Sun something until someone interrupted Sun.Surprise,surprise...its Hau."LILLIE!!"he yelled and clung himself onto Lillie like a baby.I looked at him like he was crazy... Cause he is crazy."Y-yes?"she said kinda scare of the sudden "baby attack" I felt Gladion's hand on my left shoulder"You should stay away from that baby (Y/n)."he warned and I look at him confused"What do you mean Gladion?"I asked him"Just stay away from him,I don't want you getting hurt."he said in a gentle voice"But I won't get hurt!Hau can't possibly hurt me!"I said and Gladion sighed"(Y/n) just stay away from him."this time it sounded deadly so I stopped talking.

~Hau's POV~

I'm so glad I interrupted their conversation... Lillie can't just possibly talk to Sun privately.It's not fair,plus she doesn't pay attention to me.I'm gonna make her,"Lillie..."I said and I could feel that she's nervous for some reason"Y-yes?"she stuttered and I chuckled"Let's go have fun!"I said cheerfully and everyone looked at me like I was crazy"H-Hau...what do you mean f-fun?"Lillie asked"What else?Of course it's explore!"I cheered and everyone sighed.

~They're at the Pokemon Center in route 15~

~(Y/n)'s POV~

Whew...I thought Hau was being preverted for a second there.Gladion seems to be worried at that time.Anyways we walked all the way to route 15,man did I tell you that it was exhausting... Hau complaining, Lillie still being a red Magickarp,Moon and Sun being "lovey dovey" back there.Its already night time...Hau suggested that we stayed in the Pokemon Center for the night.Once we got there I already see that Hau flopped on a chair and fell asleep,while Nurse Joy was more happy to preserve us a room.Lillie had to drag Hau to their room,must be tiring.Sun and Moon to their room.Its just me and Gladion now,"Gladion I'm going outside for a little bit."I said and he nodded.Once I got outside I lay down on the grass and looked at the beautiful stars.Good thing it wasn't cold since I was very shorts.A few minutes later Gladion came and lay next to me being silent as always."Isn't the stars pretty!?"I exclaimed I always have a love for stars.

~Gladion's POV~

"Not as pretty as you..."I mumbled"Did you say something Gladion?"she asked and I shooked my head"Oh okay then, cause I thought I heard something from you."she said and looked up at the stars again."Its getting late,let's go back inside."I said and she nodded her head.I took her hand and went back into the Pokemon Center."Well I'm going to sleep first."she said and went to our room.*sigh*I need to stop myself from kissing her and go making-out session with her.Ugh!She's just too damn cute!"Clam down Gladion..."I said to myself.I need to rest,its been a long day.Hope tomorrow can be a better day than this,mostly my thoughts...

Author-Here is chapter 19!Hope you're enjoying the story so far!

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