chapter 37

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Louis's P.O.V

We were signing things for the fans outside the hotel when i heard a fan yell "I hate all of you girls ,get away from my husband Irma your fat and ugly!" as i turned around i seen the fan hit Irma and then Irma hit the fan. The i seen Valeria run towards them they hit each other maybe twice before Valeria tried to get in the middle of them when the fan swung and instead of hitting Irma she hit Valeria and she fell to the floor unconscious.

(skip two months)

Irma's P.O.V

As me and Niall walked into the hospital hand in hand Valeria's nurse came running to me screaming "SHE WOKE UP". I ran to Valeria's room at full speed to see her laying in bed watching the little mermaid.I ran into the room with Niall right behind me and i hugged her. Valeria looked up at me and smiled but i sensed something was wrong.


Valeria:"Hello do i know you?"

Me:"What? you don't remember who i am ?" i said crying now

Valeria:"No am i supposed to know who you are?"

Me:" Val its me Irma come on you know who i am i am your best friend did you really forget who i am?"


Me:"OMG VAL THATS NOT FUNNY!!! i actually thought you forgot who i was well are you ready to go the nurse said i could take you today?"

Valeria:"YES! did you bring me extra clothes?"

Me:"yes i did here is the bag go change fast after wards we are going to get frozen yogurt"

Valeria:"Will Louis be there? i will be  fast."

Me :" i just sent Niall to go get him!"

(skip to them in the car)

 (still Irma's P.O.V) 

We just got into the car after i signed the papers to get Valeria out of the hospital. When we got into the car Valeria put the radio on and the song bleeding in love by Leona Lewis came on. That was Bryan and Eliza's song it was playing the day they met. I started crying when i heard it and so did Valeria. I was probably taking their deaths the hardest because i was the first one to meet Eliza and i put Bryan and Eliza together.

We cried until the song was over then we changed the channel and our  boyfriends band was on the song was live while were young. We  were very supportive girlfriends we went to every concert and we also would sing at the top of our lungs when the songs came on. And since we were such great singers we rolled the windows down and started singing a the top of our lungs. We probably looked like crazy people singing one direction songs very loudly.

We finally got to the frozen yogurt shop and we sat in the car still singing loudly for about five minutes until the boys came out and were recording us. So we finally stopped singing and got off the car and Louis ran to Valeria and was crying it was so cute. When we walked into the shop me and Val sat down and the boys got us the frozen yogurt.Eventually Val had to go and help Lou because he didn't know what kind of flavor to get her. I eventually had t get up too because Niall didn't know how to stop the machine and was overflowing the cups he got. 

I ran over to him and i stopped the machine and he was covered in frozen yogurt. I grabbed a lot of napkins and started to help him clean up his shirt and his face from putting it under the thing where it comes out of.The whole time i was helping him clean his shirt he was wiping the frozen yogurt all over my face and kissing my face to get me covered in frozen yogurt. We finally got all of it off of us and then  we put toppings we seriously put all of the toppings on ours. Niall had a big glob of yogurt then he put a bunch of toppings so he had it overfilling now.

We were laughing until Zayn my ex walked into the shop with Jesus and Mercedes. Zayn made  eye contact with Niall and then we paid for the yogurt then went to our table. As we sat down Zayn  walked over to us and stopped in front of our table.

(z= zayn, i=irma,m=mercedes,n=niall)

z:"Hey Irma how are you? why have you not answer my calls?"

i:" i am good and i don't think i know you do i?"

n:"No you don't know him Irma and good bye sir if you would please leave so we could eat in peace!"

z:"actually i was going to ask you if i could sit here with my friends along with you guys?"

n:"NO!we are actually leaving right guys?"

i:"yes bye now have a nice day!"

As we got up Jesus watched us as we left.We went to a near by mall.We walked into the mall and immediately were bombarded with  questions by fans and paparazzi.We did our best to push through the crowd  to get out to the stores but eventually we just walked out of the mall again. We all got in the car and drove to my house but decided to stop by Val and Lou's house so they could get their things  to have a huge slumber party.

 I called our friends Sammy and her boyfriend,then Destiny and her boyfriend, and Leslie and i told her to call Justin her ex or boyfriend i don't know honestly and told them to come over and pack to get their things to come and sleep over.After they arrived we just were watching movies and making food.Then someone knocked on the door and i screamed "i got it guys!!" as i opened the door i was surprised to see...

A/N <3

HEY GUYS!!! So i wrote another chapter for this book i think the book is going up to only 40 chapters. i cant believe i only have only three chapters left i honestly am losing interest in this book but i had fun writing this i am happy to say THERE WILL BE MORE BOOKS FROM ME!!! BUT there will be no sequel to this book.I also want to thank you for giving me inspiration for this book!And going along with me for this journey.One more thing HAPPY NEW YEARS IN ARIZONA ITS 6:08 PM I CANT WAIT!!! YEA SO HAVE A nice night bye guys ily hope you like this chapter!!!! 

I hope you realize that you guys give me purpose you light up my world like nobody else and i will never want to wake up with amnesia with lots of love from~irma_horan21~

P.S sorry about the cliff hanger at the end ily!

High School Love Story ( Niall Horan ,luke Hemmings,and Justin Bieber Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now