chapter 38

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Destiny's P.O.V

We were watching movies at Irma and Niall's house because we were going to have a huge sleepover.We were maybe half way into the movie The Fault In Our Stars when there was a knock at the door. And Irma being herself screamed "I got it guys!!!" and ran to the door to open it. I first thought that we were missing someone out of our friends but as i looked around i realized that  everyone was here.

We heard Irma squeal then  we heard a grunt and a guy say "oww".Five minutes later Irma walked into the room with a guy. Honestly he was kinda cute he was taller than Irma and had short brown hair, brown eyes,and he was Mexican. The stranger was wearing a red polo shirt some tan joggers and white Jordans. He also had a chain exactly like Irma's with the virgin Mary on it.

Irma:" guys come here tot he living room please!" she yelled

After everyone came she said:

Irma:" Okay guys this is my best friend Issac i have known him since i was in kindergarten. Issac these are my friends Destiny and her boyfriend Adrian,this is my friend Samantha and her boyfriend Garoth, this is my friend Leslie and her ex boyfriend Justin,this is my friend Valeria and her boyfriend Louis, and last but not least this is my boyfriend Niall." she said while pointing to all of us.

Issac:" hey guys i am Issac" he said nervously.

Irma's P.O.V

As i opened the door i was suprised to see my best friend Issac from kindergarten.I had not seen Issac since the 8th grade before he moved to Mexico for a little bit.I squealed and jumped on to him and hugged him really tight.As i jumped on him he said "oww". i let him go andasked him;

Irma:"Omg !!! when did you get back?

Issac:" like an hour ago and the first thing i did was call your mom and asked her if you were there and she said you were here so i came over here to see you!"

Irma:" omg i have missed you come on and meet my friends!"


I grabbed his hand and pulled him inside the house to meet my squad.As we walked into the living room with Issac, Destiny and Adrian looked at me and then at Issac. I yelled for everyone to come into the living room and when everyone did they looked at me like i was crazy and at Issac the same way.I introduced them to him and everyone said hi then when i introduced Niall both of them tensed up and Issac tightened his hand around mine. Niall  had the most annoyed face on and he was very mad at me because i was holding Issac's hand.

Me:" So who wants pizza? i will go and call the pizza man and order it.Issac do you want to come or just watch the movie?"

Issac:"I will come with you."

Me:" Ok come on then lets go get it we can go for a drive."

As we were about to walk out niall came to the door and kissed me before i left. Niall was acting weird i wonder why i don't understand him sometimes did he really think i would cheat on him. As we got into the car Issac opened the door for me and as i looked up i seen niall standing at the window looking at me and glaring at Issac.

We drove off and me and Issac were talking about how it was when he moved and how his mom was doing.Then Issac changed the subject to Niall.

Issac:"so how long have you and niall been dating?"

Me:" ummm... about a year"

Issac:" aww my baby sister is growing up she has her first boyfriend"

Me:" actually he is my second boyfriend don't you remember Zayn?"

Issac:" yes i do but i hated him. i also need to talk to this niall guy about hurting you because if he dose he is gonna die!"

Me:" okay well lets go and see  see niall when we get to my house after we eat we will have that conversation."

As we got to the house i got off and Issac got the pizza and we walked inside then when we put the pizza down niall ran into the kitchen and grabbed his special pizza. That was code for his own pizza that no one was allowed to eat.After we ate i grabbed nialls hand and took him to the kitchen where Issac was gonna talk to him.

When we walked in the kitchen Issac was sitting on the counter and niall was mad because i brought him to Issac.Then i walked out of the kitchen so they could talk.After about ten minutes niall and Issac walked out laughing. They looked like they had been friends since they were little. Then destiny came down from upstairs and she said we should do the 24 hour challange.

(after about 30 mins)

Justin's P.O.V

We decided to do the 24 hour challenge inside toys r us . so we all got into the car and  drove over to the closest one. As we go their we decided to hide in the teddy bears so no one would find us . as we got into our hiding spot it was only five minute until the store closed.

After about an hour the security guards went and left the store so we got out of our hiding spots and started to walk around the store. We walked around and messed with stuff we opened things and just made the biggest mess ever.

Around one o'clock am  we heard the security guards come back so we ran into the hiding spots again. Niall and Irma were hiding in the Teddy bears. Me and Leslie were behind the toy cars. Issac was in a toy box. Marlene and Luke were in the bikes area. Sammy and garoth were on top of the shelves at the very top. And  Adrian and destiny were under the stands.

When the security guard walked by he looked around but didn't say anything and didn't see us. But he did see our huge mess we made and looked around one more time. He eventually cleaned it up and at 8 o'clock the store opened and we got out of our hiding spots and went home.

As we got home we all fell asleep almost immediately. We didn't wake up until about 8 o'clock at night. And when we woke up we went to get Chinese food and just watched TV the rest of the night.


Yo! Yo! Yo! Guys I am back I finished another  chapter I only have two chapters left I am gonna go to sleep now good night or morning  ily thanks for coming along with me on this amazing journey.

I hope you realize you light up my world like nobody else and you guys give me purpose also I would never want to wake up with amnesia lots of love ~irma_horan21~😘😘😘😘😘👌👌

High School Love Story ( Niall Horan ,luke Hemmings,and Justin Bieber Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now