Chapter 4 - Show No Fear

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Danielle was standing just outside the college entrance, when she saw Albert and Jane walking towards her; his arm draped over her shoulders and her face leaned into his shoulder. She couldn't help but smile. They were so perfect for each other. They'd known each other since high school. Albert had been the football superstar and Jane was the girl, who loved books and the outdoors. Danni still remembered the day Albert noticed her for the first time.

She was on the playing field, lying down with a book resting in front of her. Her hair blowing in the breeze and glowing like gold in the sunlight. Danni had been babbling on about the finale of her favourite show, when a football went flying in their direction; hitting Jane in the side of the head. Albert ran over to them to see if they were okay and while Danni shouted at him, Jane got to her feet and started to toss the ball between her hands. Utterly bewildered, all Alfie could do was watch her. Jane was smiling at him, ready for him to challenge her.

Then, before his eyes, she surprised him by passing the ball back and forth on her knees. Left, right, left, right, left and with a final kick, the ball landed in Alfie's waiting hands.

After that, Alfie couldn't leave her alone. He'd pass her in the corridor and ask her how she was. He'd ask her, if he could partner up with her on a science project. After weeks of polite conversation, Albert finally got up the courage to ask her out on a date. Jane, of course had said yes and the rest was history.

Jane looked up to see Danielle waiting for them, with a grin across her face. Today, her long brunette hair was curled up into messy bun, her brown eyes shadowed by the amount of mascara and eye liner she wore and her freshly tanned skin on show, thanks to her low cut maroon vest top and black cardigan.

"Hey guys" Danielle greeted them, moving forward to embrace Jane tightly, "How's was your summer?"

"It was good" Alfie replied, taking Jane's hand, "How was Italy?"

Danielle shrieked, "Oh my goodness, it was wonderful. The food was simply...just wow I'll tell you. The weather fabulous every day and the men-" she started to fan herself with a gobsmacked expression, "To die for. If only I was single"

Jane held her breath, as Alfie started to look around the open yard before the entrance. Students were already piling in; holding out their ID cards and passing through the metal barriers with a sure beep!

"Where is old Steven anyway? I haven't heard from him all summer" asked Alfie, looking at his phone. Danni's gaze averted back to her own phone and she pouted, "I don't know. He said he'd be on the drag, but I didn't expect this much of a drag. We're gonna be late for our first day"

Alfie sighed loudly and looked out again across the yard. Jane swallowed hard, when she heard him cry "Oh there he is! Fashionably late as usual"

And so he was. Steven Green. Danielle's boyfriend of nine months. Tall. Dark. Annoying handsome with dark hair, blue eyes and pinkish skin. He wore a plain black shirt with charcoal tinted jeans and white DCs with red stripes running from heel to toe. Jane didn't have to look at him to feel his hardened gaze on her. His eyes burned right through her, leaving her hollow and small. Her heart ran quickly in her chest. Her hands sweated and a migraine shattered her once quiet mind. Steven. The very name sickened her to her core. Jane didn't think it was possible to hate someone so much. Someone that made her blood boil from the inside like a furnace. Someone that made her want to scream and shout and attack without reason. She hated him with a passion. And only they knew why.

"Hey babe" he said, sprinting towards Danielle and kissing her hard. After a moment, he pulled back and addresses his other two friends "Alfie…Jane"

Jane nodded at him, but said nothing. Alfie held out a hand and Steven grasped it fondly, "Hey man. How was your summer?"

"Long" he stressed, curling an arm around Danielle's middle, "It's been so boring, what with my favourite girl being away for three weeks"

"My parents asked you if you wanted to come, but you said no. It was your own fault" she chuckled, playing with his baby cheeks. As the three of them talked, Jane bit the inside of her mouth and took in deep, sharp breaths through her nose.

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