Chapter 14 - Just Joy

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Later that morning, Jane galloped downstairs with the happiest spring in her step; her blonde hair pulled into a rough and messy ponytail, her red boyfriend cardigan flew around her as she spun merrily. Slipping into her navy, flower patterned dolly shoes Jane skipped into the kitchen; her parents staring at her from the table. 

As if dancing to a tune in her head, Jane hummed and moved across the tiled floor to the cereal cupboard and reaching for the Golden Grahams. Kate bit her lip to stop laughing. Her husband didn't even attempt to hide his amusement.

"Someone's in a good mood" he cheered. Her mouth full of cereal, Jane spun to face him and giggled. She swallowed quickly and skipped over to her parents to kiss their cheeks.

"Good morning" she said, taking a seat next to her father. 

"How are you feeling, honey?" her mother asked, looking over the ridge of her mug of coffee.

"I feel amazing" Jane giggled. "I had the most incredible night's sleep. I can't remember the last time it was so peaceful"

Robert gulped, recounting those nights he or his wife had to enter Jane's bedroom and shout for her to wake up, for her to stop screaming. Her screams had pierced right through them, a knife to the heart. He shook the thought away and focused in this new being that was his daughter.

Now finished, Jane placed her empty bowl in the dish washer and went to the downstairs bathroom to brush her teeth. 

Kate looked to her husband. "Should we be worried?"

"I don't think we have to worry anymore" Robert assured her, reaching for her hand across the table and squeezing it warmly. Kate breathed a sigh of relief and smiled.

Jane came out of the bathroom and her mobile went off. She fished it out of her back pocket and her heart flipped. 

Speak of the Angel and he shall appear, Jane thought giddily. It was Alfie. He was on his way to pick her up. Unable to help herself, Jane twirled on the spot and squealed through her teeth. Kate's head appear around the door and she laughed loudly. 

"Are you having one of those fan girl moments?" 

"Mum!" Jane wailed excitedly. "It wasn't a fan girl moment. It's just a moment of sheer joy"

In her office heels, Kate approached her loudly and caught her in a rare embrace. Her heart full, Jane sighed with content; burying herself in her mother's fragrances. Her father appeared, leaning on the door frame with that charming grin of his. Then the doorbell rang and Jane jumped.

"That'll be Alfie" she said, pulling away and retrieving her bag from the banister. 

"Have a great day honey" called her dad. Jane turned quickly. "Oh I finish college early today, so I might go round Alfie's for a while" 

"Will Julie be there?" he asked, frowning slightly. Rolling her eyes, Kate glared at him, nudging him in sharply in the gut. He flinched and thee frown deepened. Jane just laughed.

"Yes, she will" 

She opened the door to see Alfie leaning against the door with a smile that melted her heart.

"Hey, ready to go?"

"Yeah" Jane nodded. She waved once to her parents and closing the door behind her. Their view blocked, Jane beamed; leaping into Alfie's arms and kissing him fiercely. Taken back, he stumbled slightly; his arms going hesitantly around her. Her joy quickly merged with his and he recovered with the enthusiasm of a rocket; explosive and bright. His hands went to her hips. Jane’s arms locked around his neck, pulling him deeper into the kiss. Jane fell back onto her heels, rocking slightly as if dizzy and smiling. Alfie chuckled and pecked her lips again until she smiled.

"Hey" she sighed.

"Hey. What did I do to deserve that?" asked Alfie, pulling gently and playfully on her ponytail. Jane scowled at him, like a child grumpy with their mother and tapped his nose.

"Nothing, but for being you" 

“Well, that’s boring” he exclaimed, taking her hand and leading her to the car. “Give me a challenge. Anything at all, there must be something I can improve on”

Jane pretended to think. It was rare to find someone without faults and yet, she just couldn't find any. He was everything she needed; gentle, kind, funny, not to mention absolutely gorgeous. He was here, with her and no one else. They stopped just beside the car, tucking in close when a car drove past them. Jane kissed his lips slowly and drew back, Alfie leaning in for more.

"Well, you could always work on never letting me go" she mused, knowing the task was impossible. His hands on her hips again, Alfie yanked her toward him, again breathing the same air. Jane could have sworn she lost a heartbeat just then.

"Challenge accepted" he whispered; his lips hovering over hers, teasing. Sucking in a breath, Jane stared into his eyes; feeling her will begin to wither and die. Being around Alfie made her the person she wanted to be. He made her strong, like she could take on the world with her bare hands. He made her feel alive, like she wasn’t haunted by nightmares and memories. She believed in a better life, a life without deceit and fear. Jane would find herself so wrapped up in Alfie and her feelings she forgot everything; the world, her problems. And every so often, however much it hurt, Jane had to pull herself away; away from happiness, away from naivety and worse, away from Alfie.

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