Chapter 19 - Forgiven

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About halfway into the movie and Jane reached over Alfie, snatching up the remote and pausing the film. She beamed, watching him pout.

"Time to serve up," she whispered, pecking his cheek. She stood, only to be pulled down again by the hand. She collapsed across Alfie, who held her tightly, inescapably. "The chilli is gonna burn you know?" she said.

Alfie leaned down, slowly and intimately. Jane felt her heart begin to hammer and pound. She would never get used to this, to him and his immediacy. Her throat closed up, she gulped feeling his breath against her skin. She watched his approaching lips, incredible hunger enfolding her suddenly.

"Then it'll burn," he whispered, closing the distance promptly. Jane moaned, her stomach rolling with emotion. The kisses started off slow, teasing, intimate and then, as hands explored her body, casually slipping under her shirt, running along her trouser line, they grew and exploded into a blaze of passion.

Like a chemical reaction, Jane felt her body respond to Alfie's touch in every way; as if there was a unbreakable, emotional tether between them. She tugged on Alfie's shirt, pulling back ever so slightly to catch her breath. She looked up, into Alfie's eyes; seeing immeasurable desire there, desire she knew too well.

Alfie panted, watching her lips as he moved a hand down her right cheek, and down the centre of her chest. Jane held her breath, feeling the fire of his touch spread rapidly through her. With a smile, she did the same; enjoying how he shuddered against her. He leaned down once more, his forehead against hers.

"My mother is in the next room," he whispered, regrettably.

Jane blushed, kissing his nose. "What a shame."

A hand squarely on his chest, she pushed Alfie out from between her legs and sat up; already missing his body close to hers. He chuckled, cupping her face before kissing her again, deeply. All reservations, all fears aside, Jane wanted him. And if she was honest with herself, she wanted him now. Mother or not.

But Alfie made the decision for her. He pulled away, quite forcefully.

Look who's controlling who now, a voice sung, rather irritated Jane thought. She tried not to be disappointed without looking like it. Jane watched him carefully.

"When we finally..." Alfie stammered, his face glowing red. He cleared his throat. "I want it to be right. To be special you know?"

Jane frowned. "Isn't that normally the girls line?"

"You know what I mean," he sighed. She hit him in the chest, playfully and stood up.

"Yes I do. And it will be. I promise."

She headed to the kitchen, taking in a deep breath and trying to ignore the tingling in her body. Jane needed the bathroom, she needed to 'freshen up' but she didn't want to cause a scene.

You're a teenager with teenage urges, she argued, bringing the rice from the boil and draining it. It's absolutely normal to feel... that thing.

She shook her head, her cheeks burning. Having drained off the rice and rid it of excess starch, she collected three bowls and set them in a line; scooping a couple of handfuls into each. Jane looked over her shoulder, seeing Julie emerge from her bedroom; bed ridden but looking better for it. She caught Alfie's eye and a wave of heat consumed her again.

She looked away, refocusing on dealing out the chilli.

Nope, she thought. No, I'm never gonna get used this.


Julie smiled, taking her bowl. "You're a God send Jane. Thank you."

"You're welcome," Jane blushed and settled down beside Alfie again, keeping as much distance between them as can be allowed. As the movie resumed, Julie at once gushing over Daniel Craig, Jane felt her skin tingle, her hair raising on end. She had only look out the corner of her eye to see Alfie staring at her. As is custom, he looked away, grinning like an idiot.

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