Chapter 30 - Perfect End

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Beep. Beep

"Come on Jane. Please pick up."

Beep. Beep.

"Please," whimpered Danni, as she curled up on her bed; holding her hot water bottle to her stomach. It did little to hinder the chill. She'd never felt so weak, so small. Her stomach ached and felt empty. She was sure she'd puked up her guts and more some time during the day. It was awful. She'd woken up, feeling a great weight on her stomach. She'd sat up, starry eyed and lightheaded. Then, she'd felt it: a horrible mixture moving up her body and into her mouth. The bathroom became her sanctuary. She'd never been so sick in her life.

The phone continued to ring and ring and ring. Her eyes stung and soon, her vision blurred. It was so unlike Jane. She always picked up the phone, well, at least on the third ring. Where was she? What was she doing? Danni sniffled, feeling completely helpless. She needed her best friend. Right now. She always had a way with words, a way of calming her down when she was stressed.

She remembered, briefly, a talk they had before she and Steven started dating. She was so scared about asking him out. She feared rejection and humiliation. She feared she'd be a bad kisser. She feared he'd cheat on her, that he'd never like her in that way. Then, as she always did, Jane assured and supported her every step of the way. She told her she was beautiful, smart and sarcastic in the best way. She said that Steven would be an idiot not to like her. She felt better almost immediately. Jane always had a way with words. 


"Hey. You've reached Jane," her voice message sounded and Danni squeaked, disappointed and slightly heartbroken. Where was she? "Sorry, I can't take your call at the moment but if you leave your name and number, I'll get back to you ASAP. Bye." 

She managed a small smile. That girl is always so formal. There was another beep and she cleared her swollen throat to speak. 

"Hey Jane, it's me. Danni," she said, trying to hide the sick tremor in her voice. "I really need to talk to you about something so as soon as you get this, please call me. Love you. Bye."

And she hung up, placing her phone on her bed side table. As she moved onto her back, she gasped; feeling her lungs tighten and her stomach start to move again. She went back to lying on her side.

"Stop," she sobbed quietly, hiding her face in her pillow. "Enough. Please."

Her room was dull and dark; her curtains closed to the light outside. It only strengthened her despair. Three o'clock in the afternoon and her parents were still at work. Good thing too. she thought. She couldn't stand their worrying. The house was creepy quiet now. It was unnerving and unbearable.

She couldn't call Steven. He was sensitive to the sight and smell of vomit; not that she really blamed him. Besides, if she was really honest with herself, she didn't want him there. Since they'd started sleeping together, Danni started to see a change in him. It was only small things, but it was enough to give her concern. It seemed he want to have sex all the time. He would send her explicit - not to mention hot and very tempting - messages and pictures. Even sitting through a movie was impossible now, he was always touching her and kissing her. She reciprocated of course, she could never deny his charms, but it was strange how much he'd changed in such a short time. Maybe I should tell Alfie about it. He's a guy. He could help, she thought. 

Tears fell onto her pillow, as her stomach suddenly erupted in a pain she'd never known. What the hell is happening to me? She didn't think it was possible to need her best friend so much. The one person she wanted to talk to was unreachable. She'd even tried Alfie's phone. That went straight to voice-mail too. Where was he? Working? With Jane? 

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