Captured by a Pirate captain

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We are one happy pod in the cove of siren's creek in the beach of Bermuda we play a lot me and my big brother Rum and Big Sister Alice uncle Mac uncle Buddy uncle Billy uncle Alvin uncle Scott and uncle Stiles we are merpeople we don't have legs like humans have well our necklace can give us legs since we just have.. I was busy playing with my siblings till this pirate captain wasn't human well he was once like us but he got legs and webbed feet.. His name was captain Almond he was my captor since well my pod can't do anything since they have guns our people have tridents.. I was sacked in the oversized sack..

"I will raised as my own son Chad don't worry about them we will be pirates isn't great?"

"I don't know you Mr pirate let me go what's this bracers daddy help me anyone Alice Rum please let me go I can't walk captain Almonds"

"Call me daddy from now on lad now be a good boy and join me to the ship and we live away from this place" he cuffed me with bracers it penetrated my legs from getting to a fishtail my parents are worried about me soon as years go on the ship marina its a pirate vessel held more men inside it all are well merfolks pretending to be human I don't like him much as dark lord Kyle was one guy name Fenton Raze opens the sack that held me captain Almond was a cruel pirate once dad banished him from the ocean since he just met a woman on surface Almond Hale was once my father's older brother wanted me as his own son my grandfather Peter wasn't pleased on what he done in the surface.. my gills hurt much yet I have to be in his cabin with him and Fenton also Fenton was like a big brother to me yet him too was taken from his pod too we are orphans lost boys captain Almond wants to call him our father even we aren't close we are forced in labor as young boys to man hood well Fenton was keeping me safe from captain Almond..

"Hey brother I know your staring at the captain man the balcony he wants it polished great brother look I will keep you safe from him trust me I am the only one that the captain trusted okay look we have dicks right we are walking upon like humans even the captain force you to walk with me I am sorry.."

"Its alright Fen I know what you are a merman too right tell me your not a kraken are you?" He shrugged and phased his duties I know captain Almond have a whip for anyone disobeyed the captain we are scared of him even how muscular he was I don't look at him I am scared I want to go home with my pod not him he's brutal mean to us all..

After the duties we are both send in the captain's lounge and given us food "look at me son I won't hurt you I will keep you safe your parents just bicker around your backs I am your father here okay even you Fenton we are a pod once now we must sail around the open seas and I swear to you my boys we will be richer soon enough if only that my father give back my tail back I can join you both in the kingdom I can't he banished me now as revenge I stole you from Derek as my own son now lads I am very soft on you both now your on your forties already Chad Look at me don't be scared its better we live in somewhere areas with waterfalls the bracers also penetrated my tail to form back as you are folks okay we all are here to serve Marina"

I don't say anything I am shit scared of him even I swear I have to be strong like smith Jones Fenton was my friend a brother like Rum I missed them so much as the ship land in docks of tortuga which it called merman black market all mermen are there in bracers it prevent us swimming back to our home the ocean it pines me never see my family again I don't have toys as young child now I am a grown forty year old man with black beard long hair staring in the ocean I miss eating with the pod at Atlantis so much even uncle Buddy was putting me a armor as he laugh once he called me little warrior now I learn all from him even my powers too we sometimes let free from the ship to dive in the oceans alas we are both chained in a ship around our waist just to see what the ocean have for us..

As captain Almond smiled on us after we have dive in the seas by putting bracers back in our wrists now we are on duty other mates are also concerned on us over the captain he was mean to them and us since well pirates do its not yo ho life of a pirates life  for me..its a dread I am a prince in distress.. Uncle Buddy was a merman like me yet I was more like my father Derek Hale was.

my Dad Derek's a mermanWhere stories live. Discover now