Five injured merprince

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Reis's P.O.V

"Papa there are five beach mermen papa are they okay hey big bro fish dude wake up papa is here names Claus we are told to get you pampered up"

as i used my powers to wet the five guys beached in the surfaces as they gasp for air "your awesome dad do it again that small tidal wave thing" as Chad said to me

"i dont think so boys okay guys what are your names please we want names "

"Uh names Clyde thas Wave that's Skipper Cole and last was Red Dude Sherwin's dead he's eaten bro wake up papa is hear ouch we are on surface dudes can you lift your selves guys?"

"uh nope we ar trapped okay one thing we all guys do drag ourselves back to the ocean ready dude wait thats papa i thought he left us what about mama he left us since you dont want us right you hate guys like us with tails what kind of a dad are you"

"Fuck off Wave sorry we missed you papa you and mama have a heated argument guys you have necklaces oh Neptune's Sherwin papa he's eaten brave guy risk for his guppies we have them but they too eaten by sharks then gramps Derek chopped the sharks with his Trident since they eat his babies we tried papa they are up in the water heaven right can any dude wake red up i mean we are all bleeding and we are shark bait we are wounded dad what are those towels?"

"Dry your tails poke your brother's your mama have sherwin he was in bed eveyone on their legs thats right we can nurse you all back what sea dragon did you guys pisse d off huh what color was it puffy or not?"

"Its not puffy was a red sea dragon its green i think and its wild than our buddy puffy Sherwin he ate Sherwin the green evil one name was brock he eats mermen mermaid any thing he saw swimming we tried saving them its just usually dad we are ten five already eaten we are safe its just he's jumbo really big like sort of a dinosaur thing what nessie thing well thats brock he's mean hungry sea dragon really dad belive us we are not joking" i rolled my eyes as my grown studs along with our little ones

We search for mama and little Sherwin from our bedroom we check everywhere "mama where are you in the kitchen or in the pool??"

"Papa they are in water mama carry little sherwin to the water for some swimming lessons so papa are we tending our traumatized big brothers w can calm them all down well we are boys right?"

"okay i go with you since Claus make sure every brothers you have are safe i get some first aid kits some antidotes oh yeah food especially it's not fish its different you love it"

They scent it as i pre heat it they go up in the rooms washed their sea smelling bodies and now all in swimming pants ready for some dad and son bonding we wit for Chad to come out of wate in the pool cause i know he can't walk that's why i brought a wheel chair we waited for Chad and little Sherwin out from the pool as uncles Stiles Uncle scott Uncle Tyler Uncle Broly Uncle Crusher and grampa Peter "hi kids boys nice all of you came from Atlantis Clyde where's Sherwin and the babies?"

"dead they are eaten they are gone we risked ourselves getting out of the ocean and here we are with legs to feel the shore to feel the cold floor say dad you play basketball right you know in Atlantis its bunk ball well its a sport in Atlantis more different than here its awesome dad so whats taking mom and little brother in the pool?"

We saw them up i ready some robes and towels ready "hi babe sorry we worried you all having trouble catching Sherwin nice tail isn't and its not fake its real like our tail your a most handsome baby boy we have usually youngest grow larger than all of you and stronger"

"Mama will it toss tantrums too babies go wild when they dont have toys well we can share with Sherwin do Shewin have toys too?"

"yup its nit scary teddy bear its normal it have no demonic aura from Neptune's toystore its for babies like Sherwin"

my Dad Derek's a mermanWhere stories live. Discover now