surface business

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Calypso's P.O.V

We are back surface i made sure no assailant over my honeyboo Kyle since i can sense danger but it always turn around as i felt shuddered inside my strong sense was in the surface

Although Reis was trying to scare me a bit since he watched scary movies that i refrain him to do that or he will have nightmares i massage his large webbed feet like fins time to color his webbed toes as he crack it up "i dont do this when i have fins ever i dont walk around when i only swam in atlantis when like this your captain Almond did it he show me exposed to you that i am a merman right?"

"yes you said that i agreed with that you have seen me and Fenton on a waist leash right cuffs preveny the legs morphing to a tail like yours"

He nodded at me "yes its the time i first meet you its my Love's first swing a merman your once a merman right your cursed once you thought your form was a mermaid?"

"yes now my true form was only a lover's true kiss it breaks the spell that bob cast me when i was young woman"

"your safe with us dont worry everything is secured and when i touch you why are you tense and seeing Bob rising up in the ocean after me and our dads too?"

"every dads mermen its his target was you all who laid eggs will be breeding with his own worst part was leaving us mermaids orphan without mermen our eggs die and same as we are"

"that's why you required a mate like me a merman i will be okay babe i am assured you his portals are capped already if he was here on his own sentinel's are after him okay i wont die in some enchanted dagger with poison"

"It wont happened i won't let you die love okay swear to me stay with me at all cost okay mama loves you daddy"

He hugged me "you too babe the worst part was he extracted mermaids eating innards while mermen dies after given his offsprings its insane literally sick to the bones a serial killer on the loose looking for daddy's straying up away from mommys like you i will stay with my wife and well i have my powerful Trident"

"He stabbed me with your Trident Reis he stole it and spearing it to my daddy Derek i save him and i will do it to you okay i wont let you be harmed ever again trust me I will join you every activities like a good boy you are love"

"I am a merman a dad also i know how it feels sick and disgusted what he is storing in his sleeves lately okay so endless sparing here we cant swimming in and out of the window here like in Atlantis right?"

"yeah it as but awesome really we can have horse back rideing in the ranch so well you know your in a tub with me that's where i shift right i was having a migraine and yeah exact spot iam a mermaid that you broke a spell in the tub love i know it was you for one true loves kiss was you so your having plans with this mermaid i will kill her for she cross the line no one mates other mermaids once was a merman bound to its mate no like other mates as follows its the rules of Atlantis love you know what that was it now?"

He nodded at me "we are three mates we have children was with you without us you cant fertilized your eggs and you will die without me that's why we mermen mated you for ferlilized the eggs for a new population of merfolks okay you will be okay Calypso okay i swear you will be normal say so you like us going to the tub together since the water was good now well i have to prepare our bath time come with me in the larger tub with salt water it will be good"

He test the water in the tub and now with me its super normal warm for me so we have to made sure activities are already made since is is swapping from time to time is fine for me i made sure our projects go well since it wasnt easy to be king and queen of Atlantis without Kyle one must remain in the ocean one will be in the surface its like gambling but we have to and sure Beelzebub is up to get neither among my three husbands from me i enjoyed our time in the tub his tail was great like me its good our fins are back it's nice again as we flipped our fins its like feet as he puts his own next to me i made sure his gills are getting enough water in it we dont have gills in fin arms and sides of the ribs only in necks that we have like fishes do he kissed me again we feel the heat "let's have sex in the tub its been a while since we end in the tub okay it will be fun are you ready to have my large dick enter your vagina babe well time to make a pod again okay?"

my Dad Derek's a mermanWhere stories live. Discover now