fifty shades of scales

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"I love you so much Chad i wont leave my mate as long as i live and protect those babies is now bursting i can feel your waters broken shit not on Grammy's!"

"oh sorry Emmett dear will you get our award baby mama is giving birth its so untimely sorry we will celebrated at home okay everyone knows about your parents are muscians also"

He was happy and smiled at us "sure better big one  oh well we just replaced Sherwin's blow up dad's statue so we get a new one on from the well loyal scuplturers making you sitting on a hypocampy thing"

He chuckles "Thanks so much covering your big brother's tantrums gone high since he got kids from your grandfather lad do what your mama tells you in the grammys then get our as awards its okay you will be accompanied with Mac okay?"

He nods as uncle Mac waved at him at the stage with their speech now off we go so urgent what a disaster its nine months and it grows much Reis swam carried me to the bedroom so fast he knocked everyone off..

while i gave birth and turn on the television and watch movies fifty shades of scales i push harder as i released them now swimming up from me Reis catch them fast

"its boys Rory and Nathan  babe strong swimmers too there welcome to atlantis little ones we eait for you so long time now right isnt they are lovely handsome boys look like me and you"

I blushed when he said that i send photo bombs to dad as he smiled as a reply with a note well done again now we are all online now he see our kids as Reis cut the cords off me he put us dressings "my little sour fish we have another additional to the family congratulations well hope to see you all here or i on the other hand wanting to hold those kids ever again so expected me later soon i cant wait to hold those boys"

"just teleport here since you have ability to have it dad we are here on the room its just i cant move"

"your after labor love okay now he's here hi dad have fun in the surface enjoy with the other kids?" as i said to my father Derek and he said "awesome i want to hold your boys can i child?"

"sure dad be careful they just already feed my milk" he cradles them as Reis gave him food he eats the shark steak as he give back my twin boys to me no black merprince or same as my other daughters i love my kids perfect children we have born with perfect tails excellent breed especially our sons Reis look at them as he love my children and him..

"Its okay you wont be taken away i swear as long as it holds the sea demons they wont reappeared its magic wont affected us Chad can i hold your hand cause i can see things to you was it okay?"

I nodded at Reis and held my hand just to see the surface looks like as he found what i saw "holy Neptune's another son of ours on shore he's being exposed love i better get him before human experiment on our son his name is Alvin okay our son passed out he's not in water his gills make him hard to breathe i am going after him dont worry i will be fine oh yeah i forgot i cant have legs without my wife i only can have it is with you"

"come honey lets rescue that merman before another show up beached off springs of ours hes been shot his tail was peirced by harpoons he was last spotted on the reef with his friends to isla sireno  its Bermuda"

He nodded as he take my webbed hand and swam up to the shore "honey you can go without me i promise and help you out"

"dont tell me you gave up your legs to my long stay on surface are you crazy Chad why your tired of walking running tell me?"

"i have to stay in Atlantis i have to work to do i can come but this is it you go and get him babe i am so sorry Reis please understand this okay?"

my Dad Derek's a mermanWhere stories live. Discover now