Reis Stared at me

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Its a longest stare Reis was glaring at me as he watching over our kids as we present prepare to opened our jolly Roger tavern the leash on my waist was hurting me much he massaged it to "you have suffered fulling a ton of ship Marina have babe its over you won't dive for pearls or hunt fishes for captain Almond right now I want you to be happy and free there its a deep gash on the waist dear he drag you a lot so much its fresh too plus wait your producing milk chad?"

"Yes I am Reis suck it fast if you don't it will go stiff okay it will hurt a lot and it really it was fucking heavy Reis" he nodded as he began to feed my chest he suckled it as I go resting in our bedroom so good he was watching over the kids after he feeds my milk he made sure my kids are fed he loved them also

"Your my world Chad I swear I will never leave you and our children okay now since we put up a business oh Negan why are you here in the room don't you have work to do?"

"I have done already brother oh hi there I am Reis's younger brother sorry if I am large like him though but your larger too I don't get this you mated a queen as my exact size?"

"He was though plus he's my queen and strong one see plus he can protect me even honey try lifting my brother I wanna know what can you do love"

I nodded as I lifted him up more than my weight he was so light funny its just lifting a weightless barbell on uncle Mac's gym I put him down afterwards "he lifted me up and he can crush me too"

"He loves me I love him we have seven kids who says we can't have kids Chad can how about you?" He shrugged at Reis he chuckled at us both "I am unmated dad wants kids too from me you know dad Argos was right he wanted me a mermaid to be mated with and have more kids like you"

"Well he's pressuring us both so your also his sub gate keeper duties right since I am the new sea king here"

"I know you are and well yeah I am the afternoon gate guardian brother oh gotta go its already afternoon dad wants you to eat food he made its for you he said it so here's for the queen since he's also my brother in law so well gotta go I gave what our dad orders me well to give the food to you here well since we are a expanding pod and the kids are getting larger every week so gotta go i am so late others might think i am not on my post so enjoy the food guys its fresh dad doesnt made any poison food oh and dad's a chef in the kitchen Reis you know dad right he loves to cook here since he's a gate keeper now i am filling his duties since well your on surface captain almond know you arent really human dont cha?"

"Its too late since he got me already well i am really a merman in the first place its just he snatched my necklace and boom my tail appeared so i cant run nor walk now thanks to the former sea king i can walk and run with my mate your so hot even more each year it feels i want to cum against maybe fourteen i can be satisfied in that babe hows that you know our family was ahem large same as you but my origins was really in here like you Chad okay its healed already the waist was healed you pull off the chains of Marina once i cant bare you suffer enough okay?"

I nodded as now it turns normal no scars visible around my waist Reis snapped the collar in my neck just to see my neck

"Captain almond is a monster the way he treats our pod and you are on the worst part say Chad what you like to eat since wow my dad really cooks nice meals isnt great hmm yummy its well shark meat steak less salt since you have a heart bypass okay so babe another round of having sex on bed hmm?"

"Why not i want it hot inside me dear put your dick inside me i want it hard so the kids will grow faster and more alive"

"okay then here we go in the bed your same size as me even now you got a tail like me okay its open i can see the ass its open wider so here i come babe i feel about to cum its inside me i want to let it out so much right now so good since its open up for me again was it open chad hey?"

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